
Attention G/O Writers and those who read the articles, you’re all free to join us and write over at Gawrker. We have no boundaries, we have no rules, and you can stick to whatever you want there.

Chapman had the Astros down to their last out when Jose Altuve struck.”

Oh well. I get the same sense of community watching MLB games with no fans in attendance by myself on tv as I do going to minor league games where the fans are most passionate.

Same ownership that suspended Antonio Gates for a game in 2005 for holding out, lost that game, and saw their stacked roster miss the playoffs by a single win. The Chargers will absolutely, positively cut off their own nose to save a buck.  Sooooooooooo glad they’re LA’s problem now

And even more than that, it is about the way people think writing is dying because reading is dying, even though neither actually are.

Those titles feel like they were written by a new Tom Haverford/Jean Ralphio venture.

I haven’t been this mad at Cousins since Grandpa died without a will.


Should’ve kept him away from Joe Namath.

There is a third Gruden. His name is James. He is a doctor in NYC

“name a regular starting Patriots QB other than Tom Brady or Drew Bledsoe...”

Fuck the Penguins too. Get bent, Crosby!

Guys? I think we need to look out for Sam. That’s just brutal.

And I would do ANY THING FOR LOVE...oh I would do anything for love...but I won’t I won’t douthat 

Michael and BIG TECH

Vicodin and heavy drinking to get through the day? I better talk to my doctor about polymyalgia rheumatica.

Debilitating disease can’t stop Dan Patrick, it can only hope to contain him.

Most likely “command eject” wasn’t set.  Not all ejection sequences fire both seats, either crewman can select “own seat” or “command eject.”