
Rivers brought all of his kids to the game.

I kinda couldn’t believe there was not a Fletch reference in the article itself.  I’m sure someone with more time and Photoshop talent (and a Twitter account) has already inserted Fletch into the graphic with the other Lakers.

Anybody else remember this:

Earllier this summer, my softball-playing daughter was aghast that anyone would EVER pronouce “RBI” as “ribbie.” She proceeded to question me on why this is okay, where it came from, etc? I had no answers.

Agree, but it’s the first baseman. Pitcher backs up the throw to the plate. First baseman moves between the mound and home to cut the throw if needed. And the catcher almost certainly barked out to him not to cut the throw. So it really is a team effort to get it that right.

[the more you know.... :) ]

You could have written something very similar about Dallas Keuchel’s six scoreless innings last night.

Sterling was the Hawk’s play-by-play guy when I was a kid growing up in the ‘80s in metro Atlanta. His signature call was “Dom-i-nique, Mag-ni-fique!” A quick YouTube search doesn’t turn up anything, so you’ll have to use your imagination.....

I always preferred, “But hey, I’m sure landing on 14,ooo feet of hard surface runway has its challenges, too....”

During my plebe summer (90), we did not have this problem of anyone having not seen the movie. I do, however, remember one guy having to square every corner with “Top Gun, Sir” after saying he wanted to fly the f-14. (His dad was a Tomcat pilot IRL.)

Someone claiming to be Todd Helton signed the petition 2 hours ago and left a comment that he knows “a thing or 17 about baseball in Colorado.” That may damn well mean Todd Helton reads Deadspin.

Didn’t Deadspin have an article a few years ago written by a big-school band member who subbed in for smaller schools once his own school’s team was eliminated in the tournament?

You will notice USC features prominently in the FBI investigation.

I always thought #1 was “...dung heap” ?

It’s a sad state of affairs when Dean Spanos is not only NOT among the nominees, but it would be hard to say who should be left off to make room for him.

The article earlier this week about the GW video that led to the firing of the popular AD was worthy of a nomination. Perhaps it missed the cut-off?

Nope.  Paying customers are paying customers no matter which jersey they’re wearing.  So glad they can’t sell out their soccer stadium, even to opposing fans.  

I’m conflicted—my main tie to the NFL these days is wanting to see the Chargers’ move to LA continue to be a total disaster. Which is worse for them—not being the best team in their division or not being the better of the two LA teams? Most weeks, it’s just great that the answer is “both”; but, this week I’m torn....