
Best. Gif. Ever.

My mother was never physically abusive. Verbally and emotionally abusive was her thing. There are so many stories I could tell, but the one that really sticks out (and showcases her ability to bamboozle outsiders into believing her to be a saint) is my go-to story:

My first take was the is the most public passive aggressive neg that I have ever witnessed. Geeze lady, that is some dirty laundry you're waiving around. I wouldn't talk to you either.

This has been one of the most therapeutic pieces I have read in a long time. My sister and I are estranged from our mother and when people hear of this they usually paint us as spoiled children. "But that's your MOTHER!" they say. No matter that she was and is an abusive psycho who both my sister and I tried our

Yup. My husband's mother does this. She was/is an addict and is physically and emotionally abusive. But she did a GREAT JOB b/c he's successful! Someone give that woman Mother of the Year!

My kids disowned me because I praised them too much? Is that seriously what she's claiming?

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.

In my small town the thing to do on New Years when you were a teen was to go to the skating rink and take part in a "Lock-In", where they lock the doors and you skate and "party" all night (which meant 1am).

When I was in high school I had knee surgery on December 26 and the combination of immobility and hydrocodone made me super constipated and my mom had to give me an enema. At age 18. Worst NYE of my life.

You keep nerding!

Did y'all know that March of Dimes began as a campaign for donations to the campaign to eradicate polio? People sent tons and tons of dimes to the FDR White House?! I learned this in the excellent Polio: An American Story.

No one would judge you for resorting to Listerine right now.

Guys I did NOT KNOW this was three hours long

Senior year of high school, my dementia ridden grandfather thought Thanksgiving dinner was just starting (we had finished but the adults still were around the table talking and drinking) and tried to say the Lord's Prayer as he pissed himself, destroying my mother's sanity and a dining room chair. Simultaneously

I would like to highlight this comment so that everyone can see it now, because that's who we're talking about here.