

Also there is a lot of juicy stuff I got from the field manager. I can't say much, I dont want to identify him but he got fired for "getting too friendly with the franchise owners"

Thank you for highlighting this. I found it outstanding that it took this long for the word to get out. Jimmy is crazy egotistical maniac. My husband went to "boot-camp" in Champaign - Urbana and got to meet Jimmy years ago. Thats when Jimmy said to the managers and franchise owners "Hey, see that lamborghini in the

My husband used to be a manager for a corporate owned store and his best friend was a field manager. Jimmy John is a psycho. He parks his $100000 vehicles in 2 handicap spots and brags about it!!! He's a Ayn Rand level pyscho. They work their managers to the bone and pay them a measly salary. Only way you make money

I could watch this GIF all day.

Great point! Btw I love this little girl's hair!

I finished this series and I feel dumber for it.

There were times that reading this series was a chore. The only reason that I got through later middle books is because I had a lot of free time.If I tried to take on this series now there is ZERO chance of me finishing it.
