Lol... Portuguese man sweat, sounds like a new Old Spice fragrance
Lol... Portuguese man sweat, sounds like a new Old Spice fragrance
Yes! The best was when he’s wooing Sue Storm blatantly in front of Reed.
Future Quest looks great! The others... meh.
This kept playing in my mind as I watched tried to tear my aways from the screen...
...waiting for the next patch. Wedding 2.0 (w/Pandera fix).
LOL!! This had me in tears... so funny!
lol... she should swtiched to the Slash Top Hat and hair-covering-face look during the solo.
Yeah... they can skin the heck out of all the guns, then nickel and dime you for them but can't get around to a few skins for female characters? hmmmm....
ha ha...
This is the initial assault. Prepare for wave 2.
lol... instead he's jamming out to Leona chasing a meteor.
Wow. Ditto.
Satan doens't apologize!
lol... he doesn't even look at him, it's like brushing away a branch in the way.
Yeah... all signs are pointing more to Gary Mitchell.
Yeah. Or make some retractable USB Female connectors instead and the Apple cords can "pop" right in.