He did?? Wow. Did not see that.
He did?? Wow. Did not see that.
Shields up 100%.
Got to say cassette tapes. Nothing like just hitting two buttons to record anything and making your own mix tapes. Playlists just aren't quite the same feel.
I keep thinking of billards in space because of this damn satellite it's going to cascade to crashing a bunch of satellites, then start raining down on us. It's 12/12/12, this could happen in 9 days.
"JoachiIIIIIIIIM".... eh just doesn't have the same ring.
How in the heck can you tell that is a Klingon?
This has enhanced my life. Thank you. BWAAAAAMMMM!
This video is so annoying for so many reasons. A few below:
Yeah. I had to Google 5150. Now I get it. Police code.
D) All of the above.
That could work too.
That hair is amazing.
If you watch the trailer (maybe a couple of times), you can see Smaug do a fly by of that tower and ram through it I think.
Art = Hype + Money. Checkout "Exit Through the Gift Shop" on Netflix. He's an
The only reason lingerie even plays a part is because of American censorship. If there was none, we would more likely see more intimacy
I count (I think) 6 breasts, that's 3x NSFW!
Shouldn't it be Chris' Xmas List instead of Chris's Xmas List? lol...
Wow. My battery life on Fuelband has been horrible. Won't last a day. Was considering move to this but no bluetooth is a deal breaker.