
For many years, Joss Whedon was so untouchable. I’m glad that Charisma Carpenter is finally being heard. Carpenter stated at DragonCon in 2009 that Whedon fired her for getting pregnant, but there was very little public response. About ten years ago, I was flamed on this very blog for posting the YouTube clip of

No, Ray Fisher still handled things in a terrible manner that hurt his credibility. Charisma Carpenter did things the right way with specific examples, no grandstanding, no slogan, no changing targets and no ultimatum.

That’s the whole point. Filoni and Favreau understand the medium they are working with,Johnson did not. Sure it’s a feature film, but it’s a feature film in a nine part series. You can’t just go hog wild with a story in part eight of a nine part series.

What a load of shit! Just look at The Mandalorian, it’s pure fan-service, done by people that understand and love Star Wars. And guess what? everybody loves it.

The Last Jedi was an objectively bad middle to a trilogy. It abandoned ideas set up in the first movie (Who are Rey and Snoke?) It contradicted previously established canon (the force doesn’t belong to the Jedi, and the Jedi aren’t special) but also itself (only Leia survives the explosion she was in, presumably

Yeh its so much better that now production can shift to China so workers can be over worked and have fewer rights. They can't get away with that in the USA as the article points out, but good for apple to move to a country where they can. Orange man is always bad.

Holy shit you are a spiteful person. You’d rather have the richest company in the world, pay shit wages in China rather tthan higher wages to a person in the US. China who doesn’t just not let Muslims in their country but actually one that rounds them up and puts them in a work camp based just on their religion.  Uou

Man, I know it’s Apple, but call it like it is. “Apple decides it can increase profits by manufacturing in country with extremely low wages and next-to-no labour standards”.

It lowers the production price for Apple, not the retail price for consumers

I have this one.

Looks like you dot-slashed them. The site is barely responding.

I had this on a t-shirt and it was great. Got some fun reactions. Wore it to the Star Wars and Star Trek movies. It’s long since worn out now though, I should buy it again...

Amazon HAS to recognize the existing Lord of the Rings movies as the near-perfect masterpieces that they are. There are some good remakes out there, and there are some that are very unnecessary, but remaking the story of the Lord of the Rings trilogy would be the least necessary remake in the history of film.

I do. I’ve never seen a worse judge of character. Whenever she gives someone her seal of approval, I automatically think they’re some sort of con artist.

She’ll never be better than she was in Career Opportunities

This one’s not my work. Someone photoshopped Saruman into the orb pic and it doesn’t even change it all that much.

Klein was forced to stuff Wildenstein inside a closet to prevent another rabid attack, sources said.

Welcome to the year 2016, where the jokes have become reality, reality has become a joke, and every celebrity you like is dead.

Automatic clutch.

It’s been said to death about this film, but what I like about this film is that it is an unapologetic propaganda film, made by a director who watched Nazi propaganda films as a child.