
Rubbing a +1 out in sympathy.

Also an alum, but let’s be honest: you can CTRL-C & CTRL-V this for pretty much every Power 5 school. It just seems worse when it happens at your alma mater.

Ok, but who the hell is “Matama” Gandhi, and how fast can he run the 40?

I read your comment and frankly am surprised I didn’t see “uppity” in there somewhere. 

They’re fantastic martial arts movies, which makes then great action movies, but for some reason I don’t remember the lead actor hanging from a rope under a helicopter or riding a motorcycle at high speeds through the streets of Paris. But I guess, apples are the same thing as oranges to some people. Enjoy your mixed

The action movie version of “Ginger Rogers danced just as well as Fred Astaire, but she did it backwards and in heels.”

Starred for space lizards. Which seems appropriate if you think about it. 

Can concur; the entire helicopter and cliff scene I was gripping my girl’s hand so hard, and my palms were so sweaty, that she had to yank hers away. Now to be fair, I have a crushing fear of heights, and we were pretty close to the screen in a widescreen theater, but I think that just underscores how REAL it felt.

Ben McAdoo looks like the sales manager at the auto dealership who still wears blue dress shirts with white collars.

“Hayseed Rasputin” is a great band name.

You putting up the Titans logo makes me think of Gregggggg Easterbrook and how he always referred to the Titans as the “Flaming Thumbtacks” because of it. I think it should win worst logo in sports simply because if it’s easy enough/bad enough for Gregggg to dunk on, it has to be the shittiest logo.

The average price of an MLB ticket is over $31. The average NFL franchise is worth $2.5 billion. Our military budget is $700 billion. Everyone’s got a shit-ton of money here. This isn’t a matter of whether they should pay the market rate, but whether they should be doing this at all

Sure. Infinite amounts of oceans you will never, ever experience. On the other hand, our oceans right here on earth kill people EVERY FUCKING DAY. I’ve lost family members to the ocean. No-one I, you, or anyone else knows has ever died in space. That includes the Columbia shuttle astronauts, who burned up within

The beauty of being a self-centered asshole who thinks that income inequality is something that middle-class people shouldn’t care about is that you never have to accept that fact, until you make the mistake of letting everyone know that’s exactly how you think. A hearty “fuck you” for your comments. Go home and think


My bad. I don’t read either one, probably would have made the same mistake as the OP for this thread, but in retrospect I now remember the other articles I’ve seen on Deadspin calling out Barstool.

(sheepishly raises hand, hangs head)

Did they have them touch the end zone?

From which one?