News flash: they won’t.
News flash: they won’t.
Agreed on the end of basketball games. But remember there was a time when basketball teams could effectively do what this guy is implying is possible in soccer, which is hold on to the ball as long as they wanted to, which ultimately led to the shot clock being implemented.
The thing is, you’re both right. In soccer you can win (or at least draw) by playing keep-away, but the other team does have the option of adjusting its game plan to counter that strategy. I think that’s called...coaching? France was playing chess while Belgium wanted to play checkers.
“In which Trump supporters rose up and turned their prosperous country into a total shithole, like the trailer parks and dead end rural towns they live in, all over America.”
Jesus man. Read a fucking book or wikipedia entry. Germany was rebuilt with support from the US as part of the Marshall Plan. Show me where we did that with Haiti.
“Not all white people” is the apex of wypipo bullshit.
My former roomate disagrees with you. Remember, it’s all fried in oil. His digestive tract was basically coated in valvoline.
I’ll give you not one but three counterpoints:
Ease up on the fried food, my man.
Fuck this country. Fuck all of us. We failed, and the Great American Experiment failed. We (and it) failed because we believed in an idea that didn’t jibe with human nature. It’s great to have ideals and to strive for them. But there will always be people in this world who believe that they have absolute right to hold …
For now, they will. But ask employees of Harley-Davidson and Carrier plants that Trump praised how they feel about him now. The tide is changing. The bigger problem is, the democrats have no viable solutions or candidates offering an alternative.
LeBron has OneDrive, and that’s for another title. There’s many Teams he could go to, but I’m sure wherever he lands his shots will continue to go into the .NET.
This is about how I felt the first time I got laid.
Why the fuck are they asking for an offsides? All Croatian players were behind the defense when the initial shot was taken, and it had already bounced off Caballero, which makes it a live ball up for grabs. It wasn’t a pass. Unless of course the defender was raising his hand to say “I’m the guy who forgot to mark my…
There would be some of that to be sure, but the net result of the building boom* in Detroit the past few years has been people coming back downtown again. All four major sports teams are downtown, there’s casinos, bars, restaurants, music, etc. The longer you can hold workers there with things to do after 5pm, the…
Culotte, man. Not all injuries are as they inseam.
Hey man, I take offense at that. It’s a Volvo.
Yep. The system is fucked up for everyone. My fiancée came here on a student visa 20 YEARS AGO and is JUST NOW eligible for citizenship, despite contributing millions in work effort/value to the economy during that time.
John Engler was a POS governor too. I fully endorse this action on many levels. Fuck that guy forever.