Taco Bell Mild Sauce

That dude killed two women and a child and spent an hour running around naked, trying to tackle and wrestle police officers, who absolutely refused to use their service weapons against him, and if watching that video doesn’t tell you 100% the difference between how the police treat black people and white people,

The soccer comments are dickish because Billy has been told the same complaints about his writing over and over and over for years - enough with the ridiculous paragraph-long run-on sentences, the use of fourteen paragraphs to make an incredibly banal point that could have been made in two sentences, the constant

You’ll notice he left.

Possibly the most humane, morally decent American writer, and there’s now a bit of a push to label him “problematic” because he called semicolons “hermaphrodite transvestites.”

Not afflicted with the small bone?  Nick Foles. 

El Traffico and the game between NYCFC and the Red Bulls made for excellent viewing this weekend. Good competitive games with some nastiness attached

Fuck Danny D with a rake made of ghost peppers.

Also, he plays for a team with a demented goober billionaire owner on more narcotics than an entire bus of Merry Pranksters who spent years staffing an offensive line of folding chairs while Luck earned a medical degree by observing his shoulder reconstruction. Destroying your body for those fans? How many years can

Dearest Peyton,
I have heard since your departure from our legion years ago that you won several battles and a decorated retirement, and have been spending the time since soapboxing wares and entertaining. How doest thou? Any tips for a fellow soldier who also limps away, albeit with less medals?

— Andrew

“Ian Rapoport says Luck plans to travel the world.”

Same here! That’s why it came to mind so quickly...

Now appearing as Captain Queeg in the Deadspin Playhouse production of the Caine Mutiny, Matt Nagy.

This put me down a rabbit hole of team names/logos until I found this:

Are the Wildcats going to be coached by Molly McGrath?

Who are we? The Wildcats! Who are we going to beat? The Wildcats!


Bill O’Brien looks like a mechanic that became a car salesman

This country is awash with fucking morons born rounding third who think they raked one into the gap like Donnie and his fucking shortbus family of halfwit helmet wearing oxygen thieves. It’s our new fucking normal I guess - just sort through the greys down below to find their imbecile spokesclowns.

Lets step back a little and look at the situation in basic terms. An employer has an employee demand a raise and then stop showing up for work when he doesn’t get what he wants. What happens to that employee? I know there’s more nuance to it than that, but his current rookie contract is a result of his Union’s