
Also, kosher salt.

+1 Laura Palmer

There has to be a twist.

Stop clapping, you stupid hooker.

Toucher and Rich on 98.5 the Sports Hub in Boston absolutely bodied Nantz this morning. Top 3 all time rants from Fred...


Blanket generalization: If you ride a motorcycle in any capacity (street, off-road, etc.) you deserve whatever injuries or death are coming your way.

So you decided to just come comment here without actually watching the game then? Ok, cool.

Bye bye, rapist.

You forgot Ottawa.

I feel like #199 in 2000 worked out okay.

Why not?

You’re boring.

If you’re religious, I hate you. Full stop.

You missed it. You should probably throw yourself out of a window.

Just white.

Dude in the blue shirt is 111% getting a handuca.

Poorly worded. Contact me with questions/concerns.

I guess I would have liked to have seen the C’s get a rebounder/rim protector, but I’m not going to eviscerate Ainge for hanging onto a plethora of promising young players, and metric fuck-ton of draft capital to only (potentially) make it to the ECF this year, and no further.

30 degrees? Do you live in Ecuador?