
Like Boston fans, Baltimore fans always assume you give a shit about their problems, and that you’re always on their side. Neither of those things are true.

But.....lots of very nice people do. Deadspin has blown this way out of proportion to reality by selectively posting articles like this.

Please explain how joking about something is worse than tribal genocide, sexual slavery, or Trump’s cabinet choices. Also, he died torturing animals to death, and the knew the risk (and cruelty) involved and engaged in it anyway.

Fuck him and his bullfighting self.

He was good, friendly, affable, generous man. With a family. A small daughter. Who tortured and killed animals to entertain a mob.

Remember the days when even hack sports writers didn’t stoop so low as to quote “confidential sources?”

You are quite possibly the most vile piece of shit to ever comment on anything.

The face of the modern Democrat is burning stores, broken glass and never ending tantrums since losing the election.

Just so you know, I live in Louisiana. I do not live in a liberal bubble.

“They’re not humans by any definition of a human being. They’re ids, they are remorseless, incapable of compassion or basic human decency.”

Um, you read the whole “rabid” part, right? Rabies is contagious and 100% fatal in a really horrible way, so she did the raccoon and the rest of the animal world (including humans) a favor.

Because it wouldn’t be Deadspin if they weren’t whining.

I could be naked in a room with every suicide girl model, snorting a mixture of cocaine and ground up viagra off their tits and if one of them said: “Wheel of Time is my favorite book series” my erection would wilt and not be returnable for like three days. Some things, only a few, are more important then sex.

Fries on a sandwich isn’t disgusting. It’s just stupid. Fries and sandwiches are so much better uncoupled from one another. Besides all that, Primanti Bros. is absolute garbage food for dirt leg hillbillies who don’t know any better.

However, the sexual assault during the Red Wings game did not occur between periods.

That’s not how statistics works.

And all of this was only the kindest possible spin on Ainge’s deadline inactivity. The darker but no less plausible explanation is that he has shifted into Sam Hinkie Fraud Mode, perpetually postponing the realization of all those assets so that he can continue getting paid off the easier work of acquiring them,

This is the article I needed this morning. I’m officially complete. Pats win and a Magary article.

You should have just stuck with the first one.

Well, people teaching humanities and philosophy who call people without a degree dumb f***s my be part of the problem why the latter felt neglected by the former and voted for Trump.