Shut. Up. No. One. Cares. About. Your. Stuipd. Elitism.
Shut. Up. No. One. Cares. About. Your. Stuipd. Elitism.
Deal. With. The. Fact. That. Not. Everyone. Wants. To.
Yeah, good luck building a 4K capable rig at $499...
This is a simple question since I dont PC much would it cost to build a PC rig with the same if not most similar performance? I’d wager it would cost more than $499.
A video game executive that doesn’t truly understand gamers?
Really hope that the backlash gets even bigger until they remove this restriction for streaming. I love this game but knowing this in my head makes the game less enjoyable to be honest.
I think we’re supposed to be able to make a living and have opinions too, regardless of what they are. Free’s free though so they can do what they want. I’m just not sure i respect it.
Time to cut and run! Not sure what one thing has to do with the other though.
Dude, you don’t get to decide what a spoiler is it isn’t. In this case it really is, regardless of how insignificant or not.
“If you watch Kingslaive”
i want a single player quake as good as the recent wolfenstein and doom games. come on id software.
I agree with Jeff, but I also agree with you. They have a right to “encourage” people to play the game the way they intended it to be played, but this seems entirely motivated by potential lost loot box sales.
I am 100% on the opposite end of this spectrum. Who cares if someone farms for XP in a game where it means next to nothing?
It’s OK, you’re getting Scalebo... never mind.
Yeah, the best way to play Destiny was to completely ignore everything about it while it was in development. Then continue to ignore it for 1 year and a half after release— buy entire game with all expansion packs for $20 on a whim.
shh. weaboo children that say “japanese is better” regardless of the quality of either.
But do you know how it’s spelled?
Well theres thing called mute all.
Wild Arms deserves better.