Tell me you’re a humourless Yank prude without telling me you're a humourless Yank prude.
Tell me you’re a humourless Yank prude without telling me you're a humourless Yank prude.
By mentioning “human” there you’re both outing yourself as knowing it looks like a dick and just pretending you don’t, and possibly being a furry, frankly.
And yet here you are, reading and commenting.
Your comment history is a pit of despair and misery. You obviously don’t like the tone of this place. Why do you continue to come here? If the people are drones here, it’s not like like you’re going to change their minds about crypto and NFTs gloating about your supposed investments and payouts like somebody who is…
Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating…
So, I get everything else, but why is going to a strip club during lunch a bad thing? Like, are they gone more than the hour or whatever alotted to them? Are they not clocking out and using company time? Are they coming back drunk? If not... it’s their lunch break, they can go where they want.
How's the taste of russian cock? Does it have a hint of vodka?
As opposed to you, who will always be useless regardless of how much effort you put in.
if only you lived up to your user name
“You disagree with him, he disagrees with you.” Except that he supports the absence of civil rights for people that offend him by simply existing.
It’s not “sterilization” to say he’s an asshole with a bad, shitty take whose bad, shitty take normalizes a group’s bad, shitty take. He makes excellent points about racial tension. He has funny observational material. What he has spent FAR too much time and effort on is this continued hateful bullshit that is not…
Oh my god it’s distasteful? Are you sure?
I can’t help that corporations control our arts and culture, all I can do is reclaim it, while doing what I can to pay the artists directly when possible.
My one fear is that Youtube is then going to roll out their own proprietary Discord bot which will require a monthly subscription to host in your server.
Artists and other creators made the work, not the corporations who claim to own it. I will and do pay artists all day for the works they make.
Maybe the RIAA should accept changing market conditions and instead of going to war with litigation they should try to meet those changing market conditions and, I don’t know, make money while keeping consumers engaged.
Counterpoint: Copyright doesn’t exist and is a legal fiction.
I like how the first excuse someone uses is they must be a troll because they don’t agree with my thoughts
“I am completely fine with [the perpetual taste of boot in my mouth].”