
Good.. Maybe we can get a CEO who will actually focus on trying to get some diversity out there with games instead of a bunch of 3rd persons.. And maybe focus on more backwards compatibility.. Literally.. Easiest thing to pull more people in is backwards compatibility.. That’s what sells me on Xbox alone more than

Honestly I hope this puts enough of a hassle on this company and they get shut down.. Fuck Aspyr.
They released a twitter post saying anyone who purchased the 2nd game would get a game to make up for the lost content if they provided proof of purchase.. They have not answered ANY of my support tickets with the proof

I’m late to this reply but you’ll be able to link your Xbox account to your Square Enix FFXIV account and play that character on whatever platform.. It doesn’t need to be added to gamepass subscription. Just buy the damn game and support the devs.

Literally half the game will be free with the coming expansion.. No need to throw it into gamepass when you have so much content that’s already free.
Just pay for the game like the rest of everyone else.

Er.. Well.. People were already trying to claim people were groomers prior.. And saying to leave children alone.. But Nick made it 100% worse with the dogwhistle. 

It’s funny because a lot of the people who are saying to leave Call of Duty and calling LGBTQ groomers.. Say to go over and play Apex because it’s the better game. If only they knew.

Rowling can claim whatever the fuck she wants, doesn’t make it so though.

I’m a little late to reply back but if they do a stand-alone multiplayer game they can offer more towards it and be able to work on it better with updates than if it was tied in with a single player game.. Hence why Warzone is pretty much it’s own thing away from the other Call of Duty game at this point.. And if they

I’m a little late to reply back but if they do a stand-alone multiplayer game they can offer more towards it and be able to work on it better with updates than if it was tied in with a single player game.. Hence why Warzone is pretty much it’s own thing away from the other Call of Duty game at this point.. And if they

They made a multiplayer in the first Last Of Us game which a lot of people liked, including myself.. I know the game is more known for it’s story but why not try to appeal to both fanbases? I mostly liked it for the multiplayer myself.

I’m pretty hype for the subscription but I also don’t own a lot of the games coming to it.. Just recently got my hands on a PS5 earlier this week so it should give me plenty to play once it drops.
I’m excited and hopeful that we’ll see more PS2 games making it’s way, and potentially PSP and PS Vita.. Could be our

I was about to say the same thing lmao

I mean that’s what they get for invading another country.. Slaughtering and raping people.. Including Children.
You literally cannot defend them at this point.

Rent is unaffordable unless you got 7 room mates.. But I still don’t want NFT’s in my video games.

Go away then lol

Header image gives me some Pascal Blanche vibes.
Definitely recommend looking into his stuff if you haven’t before.

You making that comment was nothing other than an utter waste of brain power and personal life time. But that’s just me.

It certainly could of been better but it wasn’t the worst I’ve seen.. Is it just me or were they trying to take it into a different direction in the later half? 

Just because a platform has more exclusives, doesn’t mean someone likes those exclusives.. I’m personally not big into Smash or even really Mario Party titles.. Hell honestly the last Mario I ever owned was on the SNES.. I borrowed Super Mario Odyssey from a friend and I didn’t really enjoy it that much.
Not everyone

I remember seeing this on the reddit funny enough.. Was wondering what the outcome of it was going to be.