
Or you can be a miqo’te riding a fat cat. 

I hope they do.. I’m disgusted /s

A lot of people have stopped supporting them, hence why there is a big influx of World of Warcraft players coming over to Final Fantasy XIV.
I’ve honestly made the decision to stop playing Warzone(which means no buying battle passes and skins) and not buy the next Call of Duty game.
If other people do, whatever.. I’m

Gives me replay value when it comes to games.. Initially I don’t go for trophies right off the bat but then I end up going for them and replay the game.
Some of my friends also like grinding trophies and it’s nice to discuss what the hardest trophy to get was for a game, etc etc..
If it’s not your thing then that’s

Damn you played yourself with this comment.

No you, GT is amazing.
Some things were hit and miss but we got the likes of the best Saiyan transformation.. All the ones in Super are just lame recolors.
Not to mention we got the best version of Vegeta ever.

Bought a few PSP games which included Persona 1 & 2 a few years back.. Was around like.. $20-30 iirc for like 6-7 games.. Those persona games are now like what.. $200?! Give or take.. It’s ridiculous how much they’ve jumped in price.
I wanted these because I actually love Persona though and have plans on playing them.

Now playing

Cool opinion but I honestly thought XIII was “one” of the best Final Fantasy games we’ve got.
I’m still listening to the soundtrack these days even, honestly XIII-2 overall has the best tracks but XIII had some pretty good bangers too.
Honestly this has to be my favorite track of all time

I started playing the game after hearing about the show.. I honestly thought the show would of outlasted the game but.. Oof.. I won’t lie I did enjoy hopping on the game every now and then but I can honestly also see why other people didn’t like the game.. I was shocked when I heard it was getting a PS4 version called

Lucky I was able to snag a Switch myself at Costco, Canadian but I paid $500 for it.. Came with a case and one of those Nintendo branded SD cards so I guess it fits into the price.
Here the PS4 pro’s are also sold out.. Slims are in stock here and there but if you wanted a PRO to make that stimulus 75" tv you just

Now do a guide on how to get a refund on Playstation.
For real.. Fuck Sony’s trash refund policy.

Rather have a LMG player running around than someone sitting in a corner or in every window
This is why jump packs in Infinite Warfare and Black Ops 3 were so good, was able to dash around a corner and mow one of the fuck heads down.. Basically almost eliminated camping.

Since 1990, have you even completed your first year of school yet? 

Have fun having your mouth firmly on Bungies dick ;)

I just can’t take anyone serious when they mention they hate one game.. But mention their love for DLCstiny.
No game can be worse than that heaping pile of trash.. They locked people out of DLC they had bought if they hadn’t bought the newest expansion with the first game.. The fact that people got scammed into buying

Your comment is now null because you like DLCstiny 

That’s why I keep laughing at these people who are calling mixer a competitor to Twitch.
No.. If that were truly the case they wouldn’t be sitting here trying to buy people over to their website lmfao

Garden Warfare 1 & 2 were amazing.. This one has potential but it also has a chance of failing because they drastically changed it from Garden Warfare.

That logic is too real for him lol

I mean that’s cool and all but most people who watch streamers are there for the conversation and being able to relate to people with similar interests.
You don’t get the kind of the interaction you get on Twitch when hanging out with people IRL ..
Not just the people streaming but the people who hang out in the