
I’ll disagree.. XII and XIII were infinitely better than XV.

Tbh I think everyone who had a switch to begin with should of got them free.. But.. What do I know? I get my Playstation skins from PS+ which I pay for lol

Can you provide numbers? No? Ok

That’s the funny part of it in my opinion.. It makes Bowsette the “hotter” version 

I hope we still get Wolf Among Us 2 :( 

This is a shame.. I really was wanting to get into Wildstar.. I actually currently have it downloaded but haven’t really found the time to play it with my main MMO being Final Fantasy XIV.
Just recently got a PC too a few months back.. -sigh-.. Another cool game gone just like that. 

Welp.. Way to make a rare game even more rare! 

To bad Space Hulk is the vita version.. Unless it’s cross platform? I know they’ve given us vita games in the past before and it was also on PS3.

I’m so sick of developers trying to appeal to casuals all the god damn time.. It’s ruining games for me.
I’m not the best Fortnite player and probably never will be..Hell I think the highest kill game I’ve ever had was 12 kills.. The game was fine the way it is.
Nerfing the building mechanic isn’t going to help these

Just as I was starting to actually like her.. She ends up fucking around with this idiot? Welp

Wasn’t it May 8th to May 21st? That’s hardly a month long lol
I didn’t know it was limited because I don’t have the game but I would of bought this still.
I have played Overwatch, through friends game sharing.
Do kinda wanna pick up the game but I never see it on sale digitally that often.

I just played both of them last week and I honestly have to say I love the 1st one more than the 2nd as well.
I felt like all the dungeons were too long in the 2nd one as well..Which really shouldn’t be a problem but with Darksiders 2 it is.

I’ve heard at the very least 5 games.

I would of done the same thing and then start tbagging air while they all spectated.

Like someone already mentioned, voice chat is harder to investigate because of the amount of space the voice clips would be taking up and the effort needed to be put into investigating them when so many reports come in every day.

The problem with that, is people like to send false reports.

Sorry that you hang out casuals.

It doesn’t have owners who care about JRPG’s because they don’t make any effort into getting JRPG’s lmfao.. The few that were on the Xbox 360 including Lost Odyssey were enough to justify me getting another one.
But since none have come onto the Xbox One then what is the point?

And this is how you tell he’s a troll.

I’m waiting for it, just hopefully it doesn’t have boring gameplay like Battlefield One.