
That’s a shame.. I was messing around in Radical Heights the other day.
I feel it has potential.

Upcoming Beast Tribe

We all know Rogue Galaxy is the best Level-5 PS2 game.

Xros Wars was one of the best of the series.. Probably 3rd best if you had to ask me.
I was hoping another season would of came from it especially after the last one we got.
I wanted more ZekeGreymon!

Inventory space..Some people like myself who gather will end up with like 20 stacks of something.. It’s easier to just sell as a full stack.
And it sucks when other people don’t sell as full stack imo as well or at a discounted price..Cause if one person undercuts 20 other people will too.

A buddy of mine and myself always make jokes about Destiny wishing it could be Warframe.
It’s sad that a free to play game has more content and is way more enjoyable.
I just wish Warframe had better PVP.. Cause as it stands I actually like Destiny PVP.. I haven’t played Destiny 2 and have no plans to but Destiny 1 I had

They should fix locking you out of the base game by hiding high level content behind DLC paywalls instead.

Why is this an issue now? This was an issue with the first game and when I made the effort to warn people of it I was called a “hater” and kept being told it was a good game regardless of this trash.

Screw DLCstiny.

Didn’t we have one on the GBA? or was it the DS that had it?
I know one of them has a 2D fighter.. I forgot which one though.

Yeah the only 2D fighter in the Dragon Ball series to get all the hype from what I’ve seen lol
It helps that a good developer is behind it as well.

From the looks of it, Butoden is 2D fighter.. No wonder why it didn’t sell well enough.
Do they ever really? haha
Honestly the 3DS Dragon Ball Heroes games look so much more superior.. Seen some gameplay on Youtube for them.

Here’s to hoping we get a spin off anime series for Dragon Ball Heroes..
Or even just the games here in the west.
I know it’s highly unlikely but the idea of it is more appealing than Super.
Maybe we’ll get a Demon Realm arc in the future.
I’d like to see this as a possibility seeing as how we are kind of in some sort of

I’ve honestly personally played two of them, haven’t finished either cause distractions but I really did like what I played of this one and it’s a perfect entry if you ask me.
Worth the price too.
They got three Star Ocean games on PS4 if you didn’t know. :)

When No Man’s Sky came out I contacted Sony support and they did a “goodwill refund” because I felt like the game wasn’t up to standards.
But two different stories going on with both of these games.. No Mans Sky was lied about and hyped up to be a different game.
Perhaps they will do the same over this game with people

I believe they jump out of a plane in PUBG..I haven’t watched much PUBG..H1Z1 Battle Royale on the other hand is definitely a plane.

Honestly I feel PUBG developer copied this shit from H1Z1 so I don’t know what he’s on about.. I’ve known H1Z1 to be out longer than PUBG and H1Z1 has had battle royale for awhile now.


Dude is mad cause now he’s going to have to work harder to compete LMAO
Honestly Fortnite Battle Royale still needs a lot of work before it gets to the levels of H1Z1 and PUBG and other Battle Royales like it.

Don’t worry in a year we’ll get that FF15 mobile game on PS4, the one they announced recently.. not the first one they came out with.
They’re not done milking that terrible game yet.

Was this today? Because I was in a few games the other day and noticed players who spaces in their name.. One went buy “Jesus Did That”.. Dude was teaming, only reason why I took notice of this guys name specifically..If the past broadcast is still up on my twitch you’ll see it.. But I got a screenshot I can post of

All these years of hearing about North Korea I’m surprised no one has assassinated that ass hat Kim Jong-un.. Seriously how can anyone have respect for him?

This game is single player though so I don’t see how this affects anyone and why people would be upset by it.
This is optional so...They even said everything can be earned in-game without paying.