
Not when I posted this, it didn’t.

that game would probably make you throw up in vr with it’s terrible draw distance

These are pirates, thieves. Do you really thing that they are paying for anything if they can help it? Short of just bricking the unit with the game, banning them in this matter is fantastic. 

I agree with Blizzard on this. It’s the right choice. Have you tried playing Goldeneye this century? That game is TERRIBLE.

I can’t be the only one who hates these. One of the reasons I enjoy console game is because of the fact it’s an even playing field. Everyone has the same specs, playing at the same quality and the only thing that really would differ between each person is their monitor and internet. A controller might not be that

Because it’s cool to hate COD. That’s what all the “cool kids” do.

I know how you feel. There should be a better overlay.

I’m mostly being silly, but his big round owl face pattern suggests big round glasses, and “Rowlet” evokes the author’s name “Rowling.” I’m certain it’s a coincidence, but I’ve amused myself.

He’s a very British owl.

8/10 Nice trollbait, but you can do better.

Canonically, Shepard is supposed to be gender undefined so the player/reader/viewer can decide who the character is to them. Once the person decides who they want Shepard to be, the story has “pick your own adventure” style ways of handling gender specific story points. So maleshep and femshep are both equally canon.

Maybe for you. Bioware always used the Male in ads and in the books.

It hurts other legit female streamers who are actually skilled and fun to watch.

This is basically me, although Twitch also has every right to remove whatever content they want. We don’t have to be happy about it, but they do have every right.

First time I see someone complaining that a MMO is pumping too much content XD Do you prefer WoW with a new content only every 2years? XD

I’m really glad Disney shut down LucasArts to make shitty mobile games and terrible Battlefront sequels.

PC Master Race my arse.

Its an extremely invalid concern.

Weebs refuse to let go of the Vita, even though SCEA shot it in the head two years ago and buried it in the swamp. Hell, one could debate it came out stillborn. So spending money locatlizing money for the platform they will see returns on is a bad thing because weebs are always right.

*Localizes game on PS4 (which could very well have just never been localized at all on either the PS4 or the Vita)*