
CGI Crapfest? ... and what would be your alternative? real live wyverns? claymation? stopmotion? toys? ingame render?

I’m sorry but I’m going to have to call out Bathesda on this one. They are effectively throwing Sony under the bus because the explanation they give for no mods is extremely vague.

Wow someone actually looked at this situation and said “Yes, I will give my money to some kids with inflated egos and no business experience plus vape tricks”. A fool and his money

Seriously, it’s the perfect opportunity to do something custom.

No, no one does. Everyone has stopped.

wtf people still play this game?

Well then, let’s both recommend it. Because, as you (and I) say, he’s been rocking it.

Go watch Lockstin’s theory videos on a possible upcoming reboot. The man got me hyped about Pokemon, just because of his well crafted theories, which have also been spot on about quite a few things that showed up in the trailers, announcements and leaks.

Are you kidding me? The dev even went on Colbert’s show to lie about online capabilities.

In a perfect world, all review copies would be retail copies that were purchased after launch. No embargoes, no rushing through content to make launch review deadlines, no ethical dilemmas, true online play testing. If only people would have some patience and stop preordering.

This is pretty crappy.

kinda sad to waste your vacation with a pokemon game all the time

So far, all Pokemon Go has done for me is make me dig out my 3DS, dust it off, and play Pokemon X. Go is just so shallow... I’d love it if they updated it so you could battle against wild pokemon and play it like a real pokemon game.

As it stands now it’s just a hollow microtransaction game

Local Government: Dear developer, the public is using public parks and we don’t like this. Please remove pokestops so the public will stop utilizing services provided to them, by us, the local government.

What’s that?

You want her to be trapped forever in an Ubisoft game? Wow, you are a sick bastard.

Dont get me wrong. the game is entertaining. but the amount of sperging is just annoying at this point. Im a delivery driver and the amount of people walking around staring at their phones looking the idiots is getting slightly out of control.

No. Its just a figure.

Is it an action figure if it doesn’t even have articulations?

I see no problem?