
That’s interesting.. Maybe it’s an issue with your PS3.
I know with some games my own PS3 didn’t like certain games.
I can’t play Black Ops 1 or Black Ops 2 but I can play all the other Call of Duty games..Black Ops 1 freezes on the black screen that pops up before switching to the multiplayer lobby screen after

What system were you playing it on? I had it day 1 digitally on the PS3 and it never crashed on me..Almost got the 100% for it.

I might be the only person in this comment section to actually enjoy this show somewhat.. It kept me entertained for a month.. Was looking for some stuff to binge watch not to long ago and this was added to my list among other shows because it was one of the very few things Canadian Netflix has when it comes to TV

Worth owning? Most definitely
Worth having it sit on your hard drive for an eternity? That really depends on you as a person.. Do you find enjoyment replaying games? Or maybe interested in speedrunning?

This is one of my all time favorite games..Take it as you will from a guy on the internet named TbaggingSince1990.

Not just gaming anymore with the creative, IRL, and music categories.
Few other sections to add to the list but they’re embarassing to talk about sometimes.
Who wants to watch people eat food? lol bat shit crazy.

Who cares about Destiny anymore.. It’s clear that they only made it to scam people out of money.
If you don’t have Rise of Iron but got all the other expansions you get locked out from doing anything but missions on earth.
Terrible business model right there.

Feels good knowing there are good people out there like this.(The people who came to his chat)
Having a disability sucks.
I have a few, one of the minor “disabilities” (I personally wouldn’t but some might? I mean with time people have learned to correct their speech impediments.. I haven’t.) is a speech impediment

Why? It doesn’t affect you

Anything beige or brown is a bad color if you ask me.

I could see them doing that with the English dub yeah.
I really wish they’d stop doing it though.. Western audiences can handle this type of shit.
The already banned episodes aren’t even that terrible, minus the Porygon episode.. That shit hurts the eyes right quick.
Censorship needs to stop, unless it’s 100% needed like

Inb4 banned episode in the west.

Now if only they’d get more exclusives instead of canceling them like Scalebound.

Prove to me that streaming hurts sales.right now.

I run a small stream myself and most people that come in have already bought the game, plan to buy it at a later date regardless of seeing the game or not, or just simply not interested in the game.

I average around 5 viewers and once every now and then get 10-20

Streaming can have a negative and positive effect.. It really depends on the game.
For a game like Persona I believe it would have a positive effect, a game like No Man’s Sky... well...We already know what happened with that.
I know I’ve bought games though because I’ve seen them being streamed or talked about via a

I want more sci fi themed RPG’s in general.. But I won’t be looking for it here unless they decide to give the series that dedicated love it needs.
I fell in love with this series about 2 years ago. :)

Here I am hoping for SWAT 5 or a spiritual successor to come.
I played Battlefield Hardline(It has cops!) and I kind of enjoyed the campaign part of it.. The multiplayer would of been good if the maps weren’t terrible and the spawns weren’t bad..My god.. Worst spawns in a Battlefield game ever.
I don’t know why it

Well.. I mean all the summons were if you ask me but it still would of been cool to get more of them.
Honestly the two best summons in the game you can’t even use.

Because you need to own something to hate something right? Lol
Just because someone doesn’t own a switch doesn’t mean they haven’t had hands on experience with it.
Or even so there is a lot of bad stuff coming out of the woodworks that sites like Kotaku have posted about that give people a reason to hate the switch..

If only Gilgamesh would become a summon to use outside of the DLC after competing it. :(

Just as people are loving it, there is another side where people are hating it.. Live with it. :)