
Oh boy, I can’t wait to be forced to pay for DLC if I want to enjoy the content that originally came with my purchase of the base game yet again!

They should extend this into other stuff, not just game design..Although it’ll make for a better future for video games which is fine by me.. More people getting into game design more games coming out..Hell yeah I’m all about that. :D

Is this only a certain rice? Because I eat leftover rice all the time.
I may of skipped over where it mentioned it.. On this topic I’m about to go get some left over rice and meatballs right now.

Wait what? Buffy, X-Files, and House being taken off in the same month? Fucked up fam.. In return we barely get anything worth mentioning.. LOL that’s pretty sad if you ask me.

I personally enjoyed the story, it’s one of the more superior Digimon Story games to date in my opinion.
As someone else mentioned if you like .hack// you’ll most likely like this one.
Or another comparison would be the Persona games.

If I hadn’t already bought a PS4 before hand I would of bought it because of this game.. So your comment is semi-void.
I’m a huge Digimon fan and the last Cyber Sleuth game was excellent.
Have fun missing out though. :)

27 years old and still a Power Rangers fan over here.
I’ve been slowly working my way through all the series myself since they’re on Netflix.
Currently on Mystic Force which is one of the more terrible seasons I’ve watched out of them all so far.. I hear Overdrive is the worst though.
Watching them all in order..

And yet another card game not getting a console release.

I personally just think they need to stick to handhelds..and not consoles or hybrids.
Every handheld they’ve made to date though is perfect in almost every way in my honest opinion.
Their consoles though have been rough over the years sadly though..They’re trying too hard.

Because the only way to enjoy a game is by playing it slow? lolk

Prices are going to drop and then BAM.. 20 more titles added to the list because E3 around the corner.

A tragic moment felt even by the PS4 community.. It broke my heart over here.
The one game that would of made me go out and buy a Xbox One.

You mean they’re doing something they should of done months ago? lol

It’s okay to like Destiny.. Don’t try to get me wrong here but to defend it is another thing entirely.

I kind of want.

3 raids and 15 missions isn’t even asking a lot, especially at that $30 price tag.
Final Fantasy XIV has 1 expansion out right now and has a shit ton of content for a $40 price tag, 60$ if you want some bonus items like a mount and what not.
They’re the ones trying to make it like an MMO so maybe they should treat it

Before it came out I was hating on everything about the game, even a little after it’s release there were stuff I didn’t like about it.
Then my friend bought it which gave me access to it and wow.. I had to eat my words.
It’s not too bad.
The maps are pretty good and the classes pretty good too.
Shit ton of camos to play

Basically.. Even if you didn’t get it on sale for $20 and bought it the day the Taken King came out.. Oh wow $80 for the complete collection.. Compared to the near $200 anyone from Day 1 probably paid.
Was a bunch of bullshit if you ask me.
Sadly they’re going to get away with it again and all these casual cucks are

Don’t want it.. The first one was terrible regardless of how many people bought into it and enjoyed it.
Their opinions don’t phase mine.

Was annoying that if you had waited for it you would of gotten the BEST price(I mean this is a given with all usually games but you got the best price INSTANTLY instead of years down

Honestly I use my PS4 browser for anime.
I do pay for crunchyroll here and there but I can’t constantly afford it when all these new video games are dropping.
The only service I keep up constantly is Netflix..Netflix really needs more anime.