So a Chevy?
So a Chevy?
Nah brah, Sakai was where it was at. He could throw up and make it pretty and beat the challenger.
I dont know, when it comes to “commercial” bangers, I kinda dig the vibe I get from Nugenix commericals. I swear they’re the only commerical I have encounter where the background music is as loud as the annoucer.
Yuuupp...If this years generation of E-Class are like any of old, they’ll depreciate like rocks (even more than the other German sedans) and can be found on CPO in roughly 2 years with 30K and lower on the clock with about 50%+ off the original MSRP.
A bit frustriating, one needs to pay attention to what products are compatabile with what button. Example being the Illy button that is on sale, it is for Illy bottled drinks and not for coffee beans, that is a separate button that looks exactly the same....but is not on sale.
A bit frustriating, one needs to pay attention to what products are compatabile with what button. Example being the…
Last time I checked the Nissan with the Cummins is worshiped around these parts, wouldn’t discount it yet. Googling images of the interior, it looks of par.
Kia does Techmo Bowl, Toyota does Street Fighter, what’s next? Honda does Mario Kart?
Everything just makes sense now.
I got 20 hours in SP and I easily feel like I probably missed another 10 hours.
Blancpain, pfft, nothing on my Hublot!
In other Nigerian Military news, one of their nicer warships in on the way to The Gambia.
In his defense...Cockrell is a dick.
I thought he drove to Las Vegas for that cut, I know he travels quite far for that cut.
Depending on where she is in her 30s (pretty much majority of it actually depending on which demographer you want to go by) , she could be considered a “Millennial”.
What’s got you excited on the new Golfs? The revamp is quite subtle.
I think it’s because you are an IT director.
Something something Sterling Archer something something Danger Zone.
Gahh Garbage beat me to it
I need to step up my hookah game.
They also had to scramble to find other angles to cut too because god knows we can’t have any type of other reaction to a fan on the field but SHAME!!! Well minus the brave and swift job of security.