
My issue with wrapped is that my song list is skewed as I have a playlist play everytime I say a command when I get home in tandem with turning on my lights.

I always look over this item because why not Southern Style?

I would say by the trailer, Kenshi will be on the roster.

Considering her brief stint in an industrial band, this is kinda fitting. 

I asked for this, all of the Deus Ex, fill me up.

Same, their YouTube presence was fairly decent, shame to see that get cut.

He is...in America

So the initial image had me thinking we were looking at the A Link to the Past map.

Still amazed that BF2042 is still coming out in a couple weeks based on that beta...

Hot Coffee Remastered when?

Why North Dakota? Sure it’s flat and boring but there isn’t that many cops on our roads (particularly highways) and our ticket prices for speeding on the interstate are hilarious (20 over? $20).

Skeeter from Doug, with his skateboard, would be dope. honk honk

Woah wait...these are still in production?

Pontiac Grand Prix and a Chevy Equinox

Yep, I try to go to a Local Exxon, if not, Holiday (upper Midwesterner).....but anything but fucking Casey’s.

I know Pennsylvanians Culture is basically dominated by a c-store rivalry.

Good to see that his balls are still hot.

Never forget the cutting board incident.

You wouldn’t be looking for a [another] grandson, I volunteer.