I’m not convinced Taylor Swift’s hips are capable of moving in a way conducive to to coitus.
I’m not convinced Taylor Swift’s hips are capable of moving in a way conducive to to coitus.
Psh, there are Transit drivers that could teach this kid a thing or two.
My uncle help developed a radio for the Army in the late 70's. We had a great conversation about that same radio 20 years later when I was fixing the same radio as a Marine.
I 100% believe this is an homage to the apex of Western Civilization.
(She’s blushing because she knows she’s saying egregiously racist shit, and her residual conscience is fighting a rear guard action against her desire to get a slot on Fox News)
The Blaze is the “media network” that Glenn Beck started when Fox shitcanned him. Essentially this woman works for Glenn Beck.
I’m not so sure, pretty sure I saw a couple. But who knows, it was in Northern Ireland, and I was drunk most of the time.
They offered then a pretty good settlement considering they were found not liable already and were clearly not at fault. And the plaintiffs didn’t take it.
The other part of the idea is that the BBC is theoretically not beholden to the government, so they are supposed to be impartial.
You know what they say: “Support our troops...unless it means giving them money or medical care! But otherwise, support our troops!”
Thought so. This has “dickhead’s neighbour finally finds a law that will stick” written all over it.
My understanding is they have a rotating roster of about 200, like a K-Pop group.
I mean...how many people look at posts such as the one above of Kylie (possibly wearing something from her collaboration with Puma?) and not know that they’re sponsored content? Does Kendall really need to tag her Estee Lauder stuff with #ad? How different is this from a model posting a shot from a print ad campaign?…
Oh. Banned from the app. Well, that’s ok then, they have done something.