
Okay let me correct that, dating in a physical world is different where personalities, behavior ectr. Come into play vs judging someone online via purely a picture. If I wanted excuses for my lack of dating success being unattractive is the last place I would go to.

Obviously, real-world dating is different, I am talking solely about success rates for online dating.

I get what you are saying here, but honestly as a guy unless you are in the top 25% of attractiveness physically, using dating apps is just going to be an exercise in futility.

I have had nightmares that look just like the start of the video.

Now playing

As my evil job for the day here is the full film for your perusing pleasure.

This is kinda off topic but that last gif from this post is everything.

It isn’t that simple, the military is governed by the UCMJ, they don’t make their own laws. The president in his capacity as commander in chief executive order known as the “Manual for Court Martial” (MCM).
However, if say the military member was in a state with revenge porn laws then depending on the situation they

Well in fairness it might be perfectly normal practice for fox news types.

and smelly don’t forget that wonderful ambiance of stuff you would rather not think about, that you are breathing in 24/7.

It really is amazing the amount of stuff they have either stuffed in or on it.
Of course, who can forget the JATO 130 they made up for the Iran hostages.

If you are talking about the C-130, F-16 designation etc. The letter indicates type of plane C for cargo, F-Fighter, K-refueler, A- attack, X-experimental and so on.You can also combine them KC-10 and AC-130 for example.

The C-130 one of the most versatile if not the most versatile planes we have. At least in terms of having models capable of doing almost anything.

Kinda off topic but I looked up Blanchetts husband and....there is quite a difference there.

melatonin dreams are a real thing.

I mean I know 2017 age doesn’t matter and all. But still....

I am never in favor of those artsy not real chairs. Chairs are designed for a reason.

Cuts his leg off for realistic sexy cosplay..now that’s the kind of dedication I can get behind.

That picture is just everything.

I am not *that* old but also don’t know at least half these people.

Well this Taylor quite enjoyed it.