
Substituting data...to make the 5 million votes claim show up as true

They all ended up on that guy’s property in Michigan. He has to sell like 20 a day or something.

If I were Jon I’d be nervous. He’s not exactly a Team Trump guy. They might be trying to disappear him.

I wasn’t there, but I have heard from some folks who were marshalling at the time...

The problem will be people arguing the actual cash value from the insurance companies.

I’m happy for Killjoys, but dammit, I loved Dark Matter! I know both shows are “Hot Canadian actors running around with guns in disguised warehouses” but there was no real reason to cancel one of them.

No one who has ever watched a Floyd Mayweather match could rationally have expected an early KO. That’s not who Floyd is, especially at age 40 and fighting above his best weight.

Small correction, easy mistake to make, tiny thing, completely understandable:

Y’all remember when Bush 2.0 was sitting in there and we were having “respect the office” shoved down our throats every fucking day?

If its not a public company and so long as he is not claiming tax deductions, he can spend his company’s money however he likes.

Dear rule violator dealership, we are sorry to inform you that your shipments of Grand Cherokees have been delayed, indefinitely, please enjoy your next several deliveries of all MANUAL base Renegades and Compasses in the interim.

Spitfires running out of fuel have glided for 15 miles so the brief but seemingly long glide sequence was not beyond possibility. The ammo thing I’ll grant you. The number of short bursts a Spit pilot could squeeze off could be a few as eight and maybe twelve or thirteen if he was frugal with ammo. I was counting and

1. The movie literally says the plane sequence is only one hour via a title card.

This sounds like someone just mashing their action figures together.

I’m amazed this doesn’t have more stars! Here, instead:

UK-dwellers are fantastic at protesting. Primarily because it combines their two greatest enthusiasms: queueing and complaining.

Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet intakes.

"When a human doctor, after much bleeding and cupping, finds that a patient has died out of sheer desperation, he can always say, "Dear me, will of the gods, that will be thirty dollars please," and walk away a free man. This is because human beings are not, technically, worth anything. A good racehorse, on the