
Such a great moment.

Yeah if any of these actually end up costing $564 mil I will be very surprised.

I feel like it’s most likely a fetish thing.

They are relationship goals.

It has everything that you want and need in a hair rock video. Also Slash makes anything better.

I have to say about the sound design I was playing the open beta, as a rookie going 4 on 1. I successfully defended a room against all 4 just by hearing them coming in from whatever direction. It has some of the best sound in a game.

It would be pretty good cover for surveillance vans, when you think about it.

The tv detector vans are a urban myth apparently. You should see some of the hilarious scare ads they have about them though.

Essence of negotiation if both sides are unhappy, then it was a successful negotiation applies to politics as well as business.

I work a 12 hr a day physical job. All my health indicators are just fine.A Am I some skinny runner type? No. Do I just not care about watching calories? Yes.

Man the B-1 though still one of the coolest planes we have. It just looks like something designed to just ruin your day.

This is anecdotal admittedly but;“Women have a lower center of gravity and I think that gives them a distinct advantage in shooting from the standing position,” said Launi Mieli, head coach of the Air Force Academy rifle team and the only American woman to win an Olympic gold in small-bore rifle. “I think they have

Of all the people to go after for ignoring these rules the Kardashians on instagram really? I mean their entire lives are publicity. This is where I think a rule about having common sense should kick in.

Rifle shooting is a interesting example evidence shows women actually have a advantage when it comes to shooting.

All I care is that the UK came in second in the medal standings. This makes me happy.

Now to have states stop using private prisons and private prisoner transportion. If you have that much power over another human being profit should not be your motivating factor.

Well his volunteer bullet on his EPR is covered at least.

It’s Gold, Gold = instant classy. Trump logic is the best logic. All other metals are sad and low energy.

Reading their FAQ page; QUESTION: Why are our cars so cheap?