
What movie is this from?

Ehh depends on size, type of underwear ectr. Size of manly accouterments that is.

Huh wasn’t aware Desi was that specific of a term at least according to google anyways.

There are so many zombie puns in this it is amazing.

As much as this ruling is not great on the face of it. It really isn’t the judges fault they are stuck with the laws that currently exist. This is a problem for the legislature of the state.

I am all in on the dumb show that is Gotham, I feel like they have really embraced their own nature now.

This is the part that throws me too. Trying to avoid stereotyping here but I can’t imagine too many people in my age group late 20's or below male or female are big readers of Vanity Fair.

That blue is just amazing.

It’ll buff out.

It’s more of a thinking that children are inherently good and blah blah worse if children die ectr.

I feel like they should either go full windshield or nothing. These half measures just feel silly.

Aviator implies flying though, and the majority of the Air Force doesn’t fly or really interact with planes at all. Otherwise aviator is awesome.

Meanwhile I’m over here trying out the sound of Airperson/Airpeople.
Airentity, Airbeing. I am so bad at being creative.

You, I like you.

That’s the real crime here.

Wun Wun is life, Wun Wun is all.

Wun Wun.

Just checked their yelp page and yep it’s quite a show over there.

11 bucks I think it was with the euro conversion, watched the live timing on phone and live feed on tablet. Best live stream app I have used so far.