
It just takes me right out of the gameplay when they do that nonsense with voice actors sounding like voice actors.

Exactly where my mind went.

Oh heck no they are already feeling just how unpleasant it can be, when your entire command hates you. The military does not mess around when it comes to stuff like this.

Non Judicial Punishment, commander hands down punishment without a formal court martial. The Marine in question can request a formal court martial if they so wish however.

This guy is for sure getting his BCD, and the guy who posted the photo is going to be hurting in every way possible if he doesn’t get his too. Also where is that trigger discipline?

With PED’s its an enhancement to the physical ability you already have. I mean you have to be at least decent to even get to the point of these high level doping guys right? Motor’s are just straight cheating, not even enhancing biology just straight mechanical advantage.

I’m merely evil not racist.

I don’t know about that I do know I giggle when I hear her real name.

Hockey style enforcers in baseball? The head says no but the heart says yes.

Oh man the Navy and their 11 uniforms?

Its weird how no matter how much “improvements” they make to the PT uniforms, the best item will always be the basic sweatshirt.

Making political statements in uniform is against the rules. This rule is interpreted very broadly. Now do I feel if these women are going to face any real punishment for this? Nah they will most likely just get a verbal counseling to knock it off in future.

Would you question Tom Hanks if he stole an ipad right in front of you?

Dang I didn’t realize just how extensive that neck/head protection has gotten.

I mean I’ll watch it but I can’t really summon up that much excitement about it.

The thing I find most impressive about the C-5, is just how much stuff and space they have on the upper deck.

Well I don’t know about them northerners with their New York values but us real Americans know better. For one example.

Man the first time I heard that in this season....

I am not sure if the full game will have an option to adjust the FOV, but playing with it as it is right now. Is giving me a headache feeling so squished.

Pray for the poor enlisted person manning that gate.