
Any difference between the actual cost to clean vomit and $150 would hopefully be to cover taking half a day to drive a car that smells like vomit to a full service car wash. Plus once someone vomits, that’s pretty much it for driving a car that shift so the driver could be forced out of a few hours work. 

Your honesty is admirable. Kind of.

And yet, there’s still no end in sight to the East Coast/West Coast ventriloquist wars.

Once they find out you’re Hitler, forget it.

We have a saying around here: “Get used to it, Hitler.”

I thought of the Brood, too, when it popped out of Ptonomy...

Oh, of course that makes him a homophobe. There’s no other reason to be annoyed at your fans trying to pigeonhole your character’s sexuality than because you’re a homophobe. /sarcasm

“I was deep throat, does that answer your question. You remember, deep throat, the guy that got the crooked president kicked out of office.”
-Deep Throat to Lisa, Newsradio

I haven’t tried watching her show or her YouTube channel, but I saw her episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. I get what she’s doing. I just don’t find it funny. Can we just agree that humor is subjective instead of pulling out the tired “You just don’t get it because you’re not as smart as me” card?


I’m gonna repost what I wrote verbatim under a Splinter article on the subject after someone pointed out the difference between pedophilia and ephebophilia, and everyone rushed to tell them that they’re probably speaking from experience and looking for ways to defend themselves or something. A nice crowd. Since

Those were characters in a Stephen King novel.

Too bad the AV Club community died on its way to its home planet. What’s left is just a few of us, stuck with oblivious, annoyingly sanctimonious millennials who’ve become “woke” overnight by reading the other Kinja sites from the comfort of their own parents’ homes, and are only here to lecture us, because we

If he stays in the race as a Republican, he’ll win. If the party dumps him and he runs third party, he’ll lose by five points while still outpolling the Democrat by 15.

I’m glad I’m gray on this site so I can point out that you’re full of shit, sour shit which has clearly filled you right to your fingertips, where it is spilling out onto your keys. Her longstanding working relationship with CK is clear, and clearly laid out in the article. The statement was released via their mutual

Man, that horse you are riding on desperately needs some water.

This is the best possible statement he could release, in that he’s still just as much a piece of shit as he was yesterday. Which is a lot, but at the very least he didn’t go “oh they’re lying” or “I was drunk...and now I’m gay!”

I know it won’t matter to most people, but this is a really good statement and exactly how these things should be done.

Oh, so... somebody did the journalism? About damned time.

Katie’s reporting on this was total dogshit. It consistently misrepresented events and statements and never corrected them.