
I remember you from LL years ago when first started and all the shit folks gave. Truly glad to see you are a leading light in this industry now. Thanks for your years of awesome coverage here and many more to come wherever you find them

I’d love so much of this concept if not for recent Nomura stuff. Or seemingly recent, guess decade plus now.

I’m bummed, but more out of some distrust for Nomura to do a rebuild that has the impact of the original. Or perhaps not impact, but the melancholy. I like the melancholy of the ending. Hope but tempered to the planet.

Past territory and into conquering nation-state, seemingly

That makes a lot of sense, but it’s kind a bummer “classic mode” doesn’t have a separate setting. I’m just not a big fan of ARPGs despite the entire genre going that way outside maybe Trails and Persona, and to hear after all the dev time that classic is truly just easy mode + automated standard actions is a shame. I

It’s just good to be recognized.

He was, apparently, a pretty good friend of my cousin’s back in high school. It’s made for some interesting family gatherings at my aunt’s house where she will point out every picture of Adnan and him together (formals, etc).

Wunderkind seems a bit strong.

Yeah, I mean, I’m not really finding myself defensible here, more the case where it does actually happen. He totally could have charged me too per policy and it would have been well deserved. That said, I don’t know what the policy was at the time.

I did vomit in an Uber and was not charged for it. I did tip like 150 bucks though, so I suppose it evens out. Not really. I’m awful.

No UBS coverage this season?

Welp, I either missed it or it got added in.

No Simpsons coverage? Fox seemed to be promoting a new episode on social media

I lived on the parade route for the Gettysburg halloween parade. It was a lot better fun to throw candy to kids and get drunk on the porch

This makes me want to find a mini-keg of Paulaner Marzen while it’s in season. And somehow I think significantly less than 50 bucks.

“For Our Consideration” is four paragraphs, one a direct summary of a scene, now? Jesus Christ. A nightly tv review is (was?) more than this.

A Multicultural Modern Lit professor I had used a pretty simple definition: any race that has hegemonic power over another classifies as racist. And I’m sure there are a million variations on that but I’m no scholar, I just kinda liked the idea of accepting implicit bias and working against at whatever level

The real kicker is Lynch went with Mikkeller while Jeppe (Mikkel’s brother) has been launching Twin Peaks homage beers through his own Evil Twin label for months now. “Consumed 15 Today, Diane” IPA seems to be the major one but other labels reference as well.

I was under the (probably outdated) assumption from Spanish and South American friends, colleagues, and professors that Latinx and Hispanic are very different terms referring to specific heritages, and that it could be a pretty annoying thing to hear them conflated casually. So it’s weird to see “National Hispanic

I think it’s because Chidi was pretty entirely mediocre. Disregarding the points system but including that this isn’t a simple 50/50 divide between “places” (weighed seemingly very heavy towards Bad), it would make sense that a good man who meant no harm but apparently caused a lot of interpersonal suffering to feel