


If you ever want to know how much effort is put into the portrayal of a long-term wheelchair-user, just look at the chair itself.

Just like A Certain Uncle said, one gray December morn...

I am as fully confident as someone that doesn’t personally know Neil can be that he gives two fucks about the money or whether he will “win” in Court. He hates Trump and has hated his ilk since forever, and publicly since Buffalo Springfield. He has the money, and is too old to give a fuck. So if it messes with Trump,

I mean.... You just referred to them as “male-form” Byleth, who Ferdinand couldn’t be into because he’s “straight,” and therefore not interested in the character because of their gender representation. I don’t see how that represents a non-binary character.... You literally just defined them as MALE-FORM.

I mean.... unless I’m remembering incorrectly, don’t you literally make a binary choice about your gender representation, and doesn’t that choice limit your options for relationships and marriage with different characters.....? That feels about as far away from non-binary as you can get.

Agreed wholeheartedly. I ignore the “anti-SJW” Reddit critiques, and frankly don’t even encounter them as long as I stay away from that site, but things like Maddy’s review at Polygon do disappoint me.

It felt like another data point in a trend of reductive approaches to media that don’t fit neatly into a didactic

They should have upgraded to Dixie Starship.

Interestingly, AV Club gave this episode of Bob and David an “A”.


Interestingly, AV Club gave this episode of Bob and David an “A”.

Since I did my literal thesis on this game, I’ll chime in about the Evokers: the entire point of P3 is, according to its lead designer, to give players a “virtual death experience,” wherein they’re meant to “question and think about death from a variety of different perspectives.” One of these perspectives, and

I’ve been assisting with this issue for a few streamers I represent in California.

I’m not not licking toads.

Hey, us old millenials grew up with Hanna Barbara reruns on Saturday morning all throughout the ‘80s!

So basically, Microsoft is leaving it up to the developers to decide how they want their games to play.

Of course they haven’t. They are “artists”! It’s pretty clear from Palmers post that they done. Neil’s twitter response reads like good old fashion British dry wit.

so...maybe independent contracting and the gig economy is detrimental to our labor force, and we should force more companies like Twitch to provide for their exploited labor?

Sounds like a lot of the issue here is they think on some level this is just a job, such as the whole “maternity leave” comment. Even if there was mandated maternity leave in the US like in the UK they still wouldn’t be entitled to it like they seem to think.