
Kirkman never made masturbation allegations against CK. She told a story about an unnamed comedian, people jumped to the conclusion it was about him, and she explicitly denied that it was the case. Thar’s not remotely near ‘walking allegations back’. She DID accuse him of hitting on her when he was married. Details

This article makes me feel truly ashamed of what AV Club has become.

Definitely all these comments have to be from men, right? Dressing comfortably is not selfish, it’s just...dressing comfortably. Style is not often a question of ethics (unless it’s how your clothes were made). I’ve never even considered her wardrobe as “frumpy”, they’re pretty standard clothes for someone who values

Perhaps blowing up the system will be Season 3. When Michael reforms it will demonstrate to everyone in the afterlife that the points system is flawed, and more demons will become good and perhaps vice-versa, leading to lots of travel between the realms for humans, demons and angels, creating chaos and destruction.

If it’s not in the movie it’s not open.

The only problem with that is they usually don’t tell me if they’re out of shit until after I order and pay for it. I know it’s petty and childish but at that point I make them go through the entire hassle of punching in the refund and making it go back on the same card I paid with.

Spanish people are from Spain. Just typing this because there are folks that refer to Latinos as Spanish when we’re not lol Also, the Spanish/Spaniards don’t normally like to be associated with us... 

They’re interchangeable in common parlance. Some folks prefer one or the other. I’m mostly indifferent, though I tend to prefer Latino and I don’t like “Latinx” at all.

Kinda, yeah. “Hispanic,” meaning one’s ancestry is derived from a country once colonized by Spain, as opposed to “Latin,” wherein one’s ancestry is from a Spanish or Portuguese-speaking nation (if I’m remembering the difference correctly). All Hispanic people are also Latin, but not all Latin people are Hispanic.

Has the new AV Club already forgotten about the age-old concept of two things?

His realization that all his study of ethics during his life was for naught was really heart-breaking. I loved Chidi in this episode — it’s been a while since he’s gotten to do anything but go, “WHAT?”

Hot take: This season was fine, but by no means a “quantum leap” above the first two.

It’s not just that Chidi’s indecisive. It’s that he’s indecisive in ways that hurt all the people around him, and he knows it’s hurting all the people around him, but he’d still rather dither over a decision endlessly than actually improve anyone’s lives by acting promptly.

I think the key thing with Chidi is that he KNEW his indecisiveness and ethical hangups were hurting the people around him, but he still didn’t change his behavior. He prioritized adherence to an abstract ideal of ethical behavior over actual compassion for real people.

He’s just pre-intelligence.

Games Done Quick is a twice-a-year indulgence that I adore every single time. There’s probably no world records being broken at them, but it is ridiculously fun watching these games being torn apart in front of a live crowd of people genuinely as fascinated and excited as I am. The bonus that it’s all done in the name

Very interesting but does anybody know where I can find an illustrated timeline of why Mike Judge is king of the pop-culture hill?

If they’re going to steal content it’s the least they could do.

As everyone knows, you aren’t allowed to criticize something unless you can do it better.

do you...understand how criticism works?