
You can speculate, interpret, and invent whatever you want, not my business. Katie, however, is directly contradicting a fact that she herself included in her article just a couple paragraphs before. It’s bad writing.

“Which beloved comedian likes to force female comics to watch him jerk off? If you guessed Doug Stanhope, you’re wrong... he was never beloved!”

“Dodging an incriminating question, or refusing to give credence to rumors?”

Correction: AV Club continues to raise unsubstantiated allegations at every opportunity, a movie does not.

No, I don’t think so. Parker and Stone want to have it both ways. Biting satire and also complete irreverence. But their nihilistic libertarian views shrine through pretty frequently. They’re whole thing is “we’re too cool to care”. It can be funny, but it can be pretty troubling too.

What is this, some kind of a tube?!

I’m kind of surprised that it’s only going Gold, now. It figures, I suppose, that Stevens is the type of artist who gets far more critical than commercial attention, but I didn’t realize that I was still so unique for owning this album.

So edgy.

My hat is off to the amazing job the marketing team have done on this movie. I can’t think of any Stephen King adaptation so hotly anticipated by people who’ve never heard of King.

Heh, that’s actually not too far off.

Especially since said redundancy is driven by that association with a collection of garbage websites that we all stayed on the AVC in an attempt to avoid.

Hey, now!

Yo homie if you don’t like this porta-potty why you hanging out in it looking for a handjob?

Ohh stop acting like such a Becky!

Damn dud I didn’t think it was possible for a Grey Lister to be so wrong. ‘What the site had become?’. This actually was perfect disitillation of why 500 600 people posting conjointly during the middle of the day. (Even Will Harris popped in). That was first almost a kind of “stand” to keep posting during the

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

Ok, I’m 3 comments in and so far you are all awesome. I don’t know what an A.V. Club is or where it’s been all my life, but you (and the others so far), I like you.

There is none. Leave now, provincial scum.

Kinja is the worst internet commenting thing on the face of the planet.

The thing is, it’s always been terrible. Gawker continued to use it, though, because they spent a lot of money developing it. And now that Univision owns it, they’re just going to foist it on every site. I honestly think none of the people in charge of decisions have ever used Kinja. It’s objectively horrible and a