
At least it's more relatable than libertarianism.

I thought Small had abandoned it after the rock opera and lack of support from the network?

as long as i have something quick to copy and paste screenshots to on a work computer. they do not like extensions.

He is/was a family friend growing up. He seemed much less crazy at events regarding his work with children. I wonder if my mom still keeps in touch.

Man, that was underwhelming and there was really no starting hope anyway

When I grow up I'm going to have so much amnesia.

Oh, I mean, I think "evil" and "likely brainwashing" came quickly afterward, but just the description of it before remembering who was involved and that I'd probably feel "evil" and "likely brainwashing" anyway kinda killed that theory.

Mr Limber Legs is getting me all titillated

I mean, in the road trip format, it kinda makes sense. The Saint exists to kill. There are likely others dead in his wake in the search itself (second or third issue of the comic alludes to the killing of two police to use the radio). It gives a reason to keep moving as well.

He's pictured on a boat early on in the comics. He's also somewhat of a force of nature, so I think grounding it in logistics of travel may be overdoing it.

Admittedly the part before the "and" came to my mind quickly.

It came in the copy ordered by public schools in Maryland as of 2006, which had the same intro I think. Or at least at my high school when I read it.

We were doing horror movies and drinking night in college and I put that on. I think my ex ended up crying and I wasn't allowed to participate in movie picks for a while (well that and Solondz's Happiness in the middle of the day)

I upvoted for your survival and because it's an incredibly interesting story and phenomenon, but still felt odd to "vote" on something like that. That sounds incredibly traumatic and, sadly, inline with the stories of a lot of people I saw come back to even just say hi to their care team on ICUs or Trauma Floors or

The first half and Seventeen are good. Candy Store is on my driving playlist for some reason.

Agreed. I was pleasantly surprised with his appearance and, oddly, his voice, given the focus on it in the second issue.

The comic is even more farcical (at least to my memory), and I'm digging that the tv show works with the vibe while cutting out some stuff that made me sigh in the comic (I'm rereading now and could update this later more explicitly, but The Grail and the last bloodline of Christ inbred for example)

Somehow this is one of the few things I remember from education in Methodism.

And a six pack hidden using all the pockets of your m65 jacket

“I hate metaphors. That’s why my favorite book is Moby Dick. No frou-frou symbolism. Just a good, simple tale about a man who hates an animal.”