
I started a new FF7 save which is not all that exciting, though it provides some simple success when my Hollow Knight skills are lacking. Hollow Knight has been delightful overall and I'm likely still early in (or at least, I know of 3 bosses on my map and am unsure how to take them without plain luck), but man, not

If this effects The Good Place in any way…

Here's an interesting tidbit about simulated death: when they drain your blood for open heart surgery, you generally come back from it intensely depressed with feelings of otherness and that your body is inherently broke. A longtime cardiac nurse was telling me about this before I spoke to a friend who was dealing

I just get bored of being forced into playing it at small get togethers. That said I don't really like to host things so whatever.

Civil War lost a lot of debate points when I came into the clinic on Monday and realized had to check a doctor's privileging and credentials to practice.

It's sheer hell when you include the mathier types. At least Risk brings in slightly more theory.

I don't think I've seen anyone who wasn't a stoner or cokehead in one of those shirts.


My dad solved that crisis by failing to register to vote for 42 years.

I was big fat loser on the robotics team in high school and the guy I drove to school was one of those A&F models with an oxy habit. I don't know how that team up occurred but it lead to some delightful antics.

I'll second or third this, however far down the chain we are. Probably a good bit due to exposure to different people during that lifetime as well, but when life seems to be closing off, building bridges tends to shut down a lot. Or at least that's what I've learned in a lot of dealing with death and hospice classes

So it's live action but he's voicing the bird? Seriously I'm wondering here. Is the whole cast done with animals and VOs or is it more like Lion King on stage? The latter seems really weird and just letting the plot play with humans, is uh, I think that's mostly Hamlet

I dig both points, especially the latter since likely Dracula's actual interaction with Wallachia (assuming it as a stand-in for humanity civilization at the time with anyway) was likely subdued even in travel except for those of like minds. Perhaps a good way to introduce the anthropomorphization of Death and perhaps

The Old Bay rim would stay the same though.

I really liked Orange when I was 19

Makes sense to me! I was just thinking giving the marriage and the whole genocide thing in the aftermath, there may have been more protectiveness until then. But hey, look at how old Alucard appears to be so plenty of time for distance. Just seems quick I guess in the time allotted and immediate meet then demise.

I would hope. Or some more on why/how either Wallachians raided Castlevania or why Lisa would leave it. I don't know if this is explored in the games at all; my knowledge ends post Castlevania 64 *ugh*

For some reason I always liked the concept that fortune cookies came in old fashioned, coopered barrels based on their messaging.

I always assumed outside some author say in approval that most covers were done by in-house designers, and "a novel" was probably signalling for either prestige or a need for design flare or both

I'm assuming they are consecrated post buying from the religious supply store right? They came in literally like a cereal box.