
It's held up my miserable little life post college for 5 years

Where is here? North Coast has pretty huge distribution. If you see Old Rasputin or Acme or Brother Thelonious, you can find PranQster.

For some reason I thought it was based 6 years before Breaking Bad, and in-universe I'm not entirely sure how much time has passed. Certainly not that long, but it feels almost shorter.

Ah, disregard then. Poster quotes are rarely the meat.

Huh! This girl was very Christian as well, though not to that extent.

I also had a crush on a girl named Molly in high school, but her boyfriend died of leukemia his sophomore year and it was hard to see her as anything but a tragic figure for the next year. She didn't even play into it; she was obviously grieving but still bubbly and kind. But these things get forced on you at 15 or 16

Levy without red hair and incestuous vibes feels too far from Suburgatory.

god this makes me miss breakfast at my old job. It's the only time I see A1 available. Would get a plate of homefries and A1 and usually mix it with some hot sauce, but always good old A1 to balance.

The new Big Boi seems pretty okay until about the third spin (I've been doing a lot of driving between locations this week) when only a few tracks really stand out much. It's definitely more like Sir Lucious than Vicious Lies, which gets through rough patches in places thanks to sheer will. That said, it's nothing to

Hemorrhoids, if my doctor is to be believed.

My cat passed away about six months ago to the day and I still expect that little bastard to be hanging out on the edge of the bed or stealing the guest bed. I keep wanting to get another but there's a weird loyalty at least in my current apartment.

It was pretty fun in college, especially as an econ major! Both for the excess and publishing opportunities.

When nurses would come in at 38 weeks I would be so terrified, especially since my office was on the Surgical ICU. I have seen chest compressions done by someone in the third trimester (which probably was not healthy for baby or mom but likely saved another life) and it was something out of truly unsettling horror

Listen, the way I eat and age and the old fashioned standards for male dress in the healthcare industry basically guarantee I'm gonna end up looking like Bannon, so let's attack the man for all the other reasons first.

Isn't this the premise of that 47 Meters movie?

Pet Sounds.

esk? catarl? where's the any key?

If it weren't against my building by-laws, I'd certainly own at least a rifle to join old friends for target shooting. I mean I guess I could rent a locker and join a gun club officially and everything.

With all the talk of Lorde lately, I put Pure Heroine back on and realized how much I enjoyed it. Even stuff like Team that sorta rehashes Royals (at least in singles chronology) is a delight, and I missed references to Broken Social Scene and that sorta thing. 400 Lux has been on my driving around playlist for a

Same, for many many years.