
Funny story (not really): We used to pass through a town going to Pennsylvania growing up (big town, but don't wanna slander it since this was years ago) and every time we got by the Red Roof Inn by father would point out, "You know like a bunch of people got murdered there" as a reason we never stopped in. This

I mean it bewilders me a bit , but my college ex was environmental science on the softer touch side and had just about a C average. So for something like engineering or mathematics or even the social sciences (my econ department liked to slowly filter people out, but just from there program), I could see it more

I edited my post; I sincerely did not mean a negative view of all Mennonites, but rather just an example of odd thing that used to occur in college in one sect of one religion in a small town. My apologies if it came off as anything else!

Ah okay! Again, learning! These folks were very clearly following some sort of dress code, though not to say PA Amish extent.

oh huh! I did not know it was that popular there, though I was hoping they were just one sect of something bigger and less virulent. good to hear! I was raised in and around Baltimore so didn't see them as much

There was Mennonite group around Gettysburg, PA when I was there for college, and whenever we had public speakers or such in the ballroom they would come in, wait incredibly patiently and respectfully through the presentation, then hammer the shit out of the speaker during Q&A. Since it was generally all from one

We had some people at my undergrad get kicked out for underperforming their first semester. I don't know the exact levels of, uh, failure they attained, but generally you were allowed to stay as long as above 2.0 or could get there in another semester.

"I smoke and drink. A lot of you don’t drink, don’t smoke. Some people here tonight, they don’t eat butter. No salt. No sugar, no lard. No biscuits. No gravy with onions in it. ‘Cause they wanna live, they give up that good stuff; neck bone, pig tail. You goin’ feel like a damn fool, lyin’ at the hospital dyin’ from

That or E-MO-TION to me, but 9/10 Boy Problems

I think the "having an expert join along" would definitely have helped. There's no shortage of hard data on communication, but focusing to say one discipline of it (say a combination econ/sociology text on signal theory versus something more literary like Chomsky/Herman's Manufacturing Consent) could probably have

it's Ma'am on the subtitles iirc

You don't pass crabs, you dump a bucket on a table with newspaper or cheap brown paper that magically appears. It just makes sense.

It is in Maryland, or at least Baltimore dialect before white flight.

Again, I'm confused by the effusive praise for a guest star. I liked Dratch more than I liked Rudolph, and I thought her playing both parts was clever and led to some good editing jokes, but nothing about the characters struck me as particularly riotous. Wacky caricatures, sure, but like Rudolph: they were good,

I thought I had Halos past 20, but that may be a misplaced memory from when OiNK allowed discographies (and, uh, existed). I haven't heard the term for the new records in a while though.

Their treatment of employees, mostly.

Rogue has its own problems historically with treating its labor force as absolute shit. Here's an example of just their employment copy even: http://i.imgur.com/cfGFm5j.png

I sincerely don't mean this to come off as argumentative, but how so? Like I said, my Warwick knowledge is not the best, and would love to understand the performance a little better when I rewatch the season.

I've never really experienced this sort of guilt. Maybe it was growing up with an inner-city nurse mother and a father who drew maps half the time for bombing runs, but it was a pretty straight line between violence (not just gun) for the sake of narrative device versus realistic depictions. The only times I can think

Seriously. I watched it with my college ex and she kept jumping based on theater memories, when it all just seemed like bed sheet pulling drinking a cheap beer with the summer light coming in through the windows.