
Yeah, pretty much exact same impression. I forgot about the psychic infomercials but the minute I read it they sprung to mind. I'm sure there's lot of random cooing, weird backstage rituals, and random cooing in the world of musical theater, but like you said: any kooky singer lady. Worse, it just made me compare to

Booooo. Got me through so many post-robotics buildings, sexless nights of high school

Everyone seems to like Maya as a guest here, but something about her put me off. Maybe I don't know enough about Dionne Warwick (which is very, very possible), but she seemed to be playing every eccentric diva with a hint of Maya Rudolph's usual sketch acting. That said I didn't dislike her scenes or anything, I just

Wasn't D'Fwan mentioned last episode as Flouncy's underage lover?

Sadly I've read that article.

*flares cape*

I couldn't help but think of the Mr. Show commercials skit with Grandma Betsy

Oh, really? Huh! We get a pretty big discount on frames and lenses but it's pretty much just the basics. I guess one of the perks of this industry.

This is going to sound like jackassery, but here me out: in healthcare, at least in my experience, we usually have a vision clause in even our crappiest health plans and an opt-in payment for a specialty program. Is this not standard across most industries offering benefits? Even consulting work I've been offered in

Dream logic was my explanation in the moment, but since that's being kinda pulled away from by Reed apparently…noir archetypes?

I've zoned out almost entirely and I've watched the show so many times over so many years.

I watched the whole thing as a movie, basically, yesterday. I don't think it helped much outside tempering some tonal whiplash, given that even binged it's still incredibly episodic save for 7/8 flowing perfectly. Might have magnified the despair of 8, honestly, with even the hounds dying basically destroying Krieger

Hey, as a 300~ pound man, we do not all have inhalers!

It only works so many times, but enjoy until then!

I always trim my beard when frustrated, or go to the barber in times of crisis. There's something oddly soothing about having control over one small part of your body immediately, as opposed to years of exercise or study or whatever.

Good to know I'm not crazy!

I honestly didn't know Bob Seger experienced a backlash in public opinion. I always thought Night Moves and Live Bullets or whatever were considered standard rock history fare. Had no idea his catalog was that deep though!

There's a chapter in there, The Albatross, that my roommate was trying to connect to the Rime of the Ancient Mariner, and ended up just giggling and failing the paper because half the chapter is Ahab yelling at a school of fish.

I was thinking about Coraline for some reason recently, and I realized having seen that in theaters as a kid it would have scared the hell out of me. My dad desensitized me early to like horror movie violence, but those eyes and shit on non-human things, terrifying.

We were supposed to suggest places for happy hour on my old hospital unit, and two different nurses emailed me "Texas Cheesecake Depository" and "Chairman Moe's Magic Wok"