
My dad's a cartographer and can do this with like tiny, tiny squares of even a different type of map, so I think it's just something people pick up in the field after a while. He also has paralyzing OCD, so that likely helps.

I mean the bear patrol is the smallest increase in tax history.

Given I've never heard of this woman on many political blogs, I'm a bit confused. Is she a local political figure outside her comedy work?

Deal with it.


The return of Conway has not done her well, between this and the interview with Cuomo on CNN.

I wish there was reference to the sarcasm bit, as I thought that really transcended the premise by the time his family and many others were reduced to ashes.

Perhaps it's because I never liked the schtick in the comics, but live action Deadpool didn't appeal to me and despite digging Donald Glover as writer I don't have super high hopes here. I know, I know, easier to just avoid something, but with combination of pop culture figures involved it'll end up getting watched at

Glad he kept up the dialogue, especially on a less (non?) politically oriented show. Might avoid just preaching to the converted with the personal values to make it more than posturing.

Gin and Lemonade was the nerd frat answer to Natty Light and Jungle Juice, and bless those geeks for it.

That BBQ Bacon thing was surprisingly alright as a post work, hadn't eaten commute home burger. I have no idea how it costs $5, but I'd probably buy it again if I weren't looking at prices.

It's his own fault for not taking over Australia from the start then slowly moving garrisons toward Africa.

Jesus, that's new to me. I've seen plenty of rich family names for floors but never a corporate named one. Their wiki appears to be written by their marketing department, but they're non-profit, a trauma center, and a teaching hospital. Weird place to sell out that much.

Oh! No. I mean I'm sure a sponsored wing has happened (in fact I know it has), but usually you mark it with a "Generously Donated By" plaque of varying size. Verizon gave my old jobs lots of money at some point but we never made a Verizon Breast Center or anything.

It's true and I gave some more detail down-thread, but basically it doesn't always mean shitty. It can be poor upkeep thanks to prioritizing staffing or equipment, or simple grounds issue.

Sadly that was the Klumps.

I remember our elderly ortho surgical patients as being terribly sad cases at times. Even when family visited the patients were usually not in the most composed state, and combined with being in a hospital for an extended period not always in the best frame of mind. I wish I knew of more palliative measures for the

This turned out longer than expected, but the basic gist is that floor appearance doesn't always equate to ability:

Thank you; I appreciate it. But yeah, it's more just being in awe of the staff we had and their ability to give care and flex until it worked for all parties.

That's great to hear he took up nursing! Peds is certainly not for everyone; I spent most of my time out of school on SICU as an administrator and most people would beg for a bedside OR rather than sticking a child. I hope he's doing well; it's a tough climate here lately).