
My mother was a children's hospital nurse manager for Johns Hopkins for most of my life, so whenever I was sick from school or had a day off I usually got brought into the city to hang around the offices. Sometimes my mom or associates or her nurses would walk me through the different children's units, which is kinda

That episode gave me the idea to carve a new hole in my belt. And it worked until I got still fatter

I guess this was "A Thousand Suns" according to wikipedia? idk I remember that album playing, being too drunk to drive myself, and some irritation at her just circling the state border because she didn't believe I knew the exit.

One of my roommates back in like 2011 had their new-then album playing as she drove me to the liquor store. She was very insistent it was good.

Really? I thought I was probably the only one who had no opinion on Gorillaz in college (2008-2012) and I was a pretty big music geek. Seemed like they were always pretty popular with the opinions-on-pop-music sect.

This is gonna make my "going to inner-city clinics every day" wear of charcoal slacks and a Dickie's work shirt feel real bad about itself.

I like this gimmick

I dig most of the tracks here and I was born in '90. Then again I didn't know music outside my father's really existed until I heard Belle & Sebastian so steady diet of folk, yacht rock, Laurel Canyon, and playing name that tune on the rock stations.

God I love Brandy (You're A Fine Girl). Used to listen to it constantly on college car rides.

Heh, I have some pretty severe diagnosed mental health issues, and looking at my instagram feed would probably be very similar in terms of content (though much uglier and cheaper). Same apartment, same office, avoid photos with loved ones, etc etc etc, at work I'm active / facilitate events / whatever.

Over at Private 78% Greek Life College, we just didn't show up or slept off a drunk or wrote poetry for our second arts major while on benzos.

Welp, I can't read this morning.

Point has probably already been made, but didn't a Wall Street firm put that up as timed advertising with Women's Day? I like the sentiment of it, just not the funding or corporate synergy behind it.

This wants to make me brew so many weird beers. Especially as I just got sent some real nice vanilla samples I want to play with some lactose in a saison or IPA with (or just a more traditional seasoning blend influenced porter or stout).

Sure, but where will our high horses come from?

I didn't offer an objection to all other associated works; just the connection drawn by the links here on AVClub and in the review. I actually said I'd like to read the book and found its central question interesting, but did point out at a personal level, yeah, I'm not a huge fan of some semiotic choices.

Oh yeah, I mean I think the concept is valid as all hell. I don't like the term from a personal reference and quirky English point of view, but zero doubt that it's real and likely something I do without realizing it in other situations.

I did! That's where I saw that she was vacillating on usage of the term. I also thought the Motherhood question would be particularly interesting as I'm Child-Free as was my ex of 4 years, so it's ingrained as a lifestyle and I'd love to hear more from a female perspective.

That Bare Bear is delightful. Had on tap at Alewife in Baltimore. Pleasantly surprised and made me want to revisit my sahti and smoked sahti recipes. Had a really fun, ultra gin like juniper one one balanced out by english hops, three smoked malts, and aging on french oak with a saison yeast. Not traditional but god

I want to buy this but I virulently hate the term mansplaining so it's hard to part with money for a hardcover.. It sounds like the author has gone back and forth though so maybe that's enough.