
There's a brewpub chain in PA, Appalachian Brewing Company, that produces some usually mediocre beers, but had an incredible Barleywine for a chain pub (Broad Street Barley Wine). They sold 12 packs of it occasionally, so when one of my roommate's and I who just liked the quiet and music were alone in the house we'd

Man. I really hate the minimization of the music section. Even if this averages out to the same amount of reviews, it hardly feels integral to the site in the wake of Supper Club and downsizing of commenting. Equally perturbing is that the closest thing to a music feature other than this today is "Great Songs You've

I was a day late on honors thesis revisions because housemates had rented The Wicker Man, and, once Nic Cage in that bear costume punches that women, I was getting nothing done.


I used a Maryland credit card in Pennsylvania through college, and I was called by fraud protection so many times for accidentally using 17325 instead of 21201. I also ran out of gas and blocked a horse and carriage once and the horse seemed very put off. Lousy Pennsylvania.

Dickie's short sleeve pocket tee 2XT

Do you live near a fulfillment or distribution center? They ramp up AMZL delivery near those along with Prime Now and other stuff first.

I guess I got into a trial of this, because I got an email asking me to buy a button for $18 candy months and months ago. I also live in Baltimore near a fulfillment center and have been a Prime subscriber since it came out, so maybe that's it?

Fuck yeah Genny Cream

C/C+ overall. It seemed, in a weird way, like a serialized Better Off Ted. Super obvious symbolism and allegory, honestly very "light" dark comedy with most of the truly dark aspects done in dramatic conversations removed from the shiny joke world around it. The cast made it fun and worthwhile for an ARCTC / Ted fan

I get what you mean there, and imagine it's likely some databasing factor on the backend. Like it'd look a hodgepodge if "Entire Season", "Episodes 1-3", "First Half" were all written rather than "Season X", and the latter two would get more cumbersome in future seasons.

That label maker actually is pretty great. I used an older version for one of my nursing units hard copy storage and it made quick work of tedious labelling.

How many episodes watched is at the bottom of every TV Review that isn't a weekly one.

Catherine and Lisa are arguably the most sensible, though both have wacky moments. In terms of the show's reality I'd say Dave or even Bill really; Dave's oddities coming mostly from an outsider upbringing and early audience surrogate, and Bill as the influential broadcaster not quite at Jimmy James level of insanity

It does. New Girl had ads for me just last week.

Even better, it was the weekend of my birthday! What a delight last June was.

Using a series of connections to upper-class life made at a high priced liberal arts college to cash in on every possible favor to get two tickets as a prelude to proposing to your then-girlfriend who was the first time you felt emotionally available after years of numbing drugs and a sexual assault, then having her

They own Alesmith's old facility outright now, don't they?

Er uh, it's Mikkeller *adjusts glasses*