
Except that she had already asked him if they could joke around, and he responded in such a way that she thought he was kidding back with her.

She misread his response, but in context hers there’s nothing particularly dickish about hers.

Well, conversely, why shouldn’t it have been a decisive win?

Can you explain that to the liberals who still insist that HRC would have been “just as bad” as Trump?

That is fucked up.

These idiots just tried to eliminate bonuses for all employees and turn it into a lottery system where one employee might get $100,000 while everyone else got nothing

Reading a bunch of comments on Facebook

If I were her, I would have passed on this. Yes, it is Star Wars, but her character is so underused and pointless, and we never ever see really see her.

Oh, certainly.

where Maul got a much more dignified death at the hands of Obi Wan.

Can he? Polanski had the benefit of foreign citizenship, he just had to leave the country and not return. Weinstein would have to find a country willing to shelter him, a non-national, from extradition.

To your point, I doubt anyone could taste a difference in two Quarter Pounders side-by-side, and there’s certainly no reason to think this would be healthier

Chris Christie shot this down well before Trump was involved. Maybe blame all the politicians on both sides that don’t want to address our shit falling apart.

I love what he does with Black Panther from an intellectual standpoint, but he has really not figured out comic book pacing yet.

The Great Gerwig?

Just took a big step towards it here in PA!

It’s not so much the NRA, it’s more so the gerrymandered safe Republican districts.

You know he’s on the phone saying “no Mr. Bond...I expect you to die.”

As with so many things with this clusterfuck of an administration, I can’t tell if I should be outraged because they’re being awful in a unique way, or I should be outraged because they’re just showing off the ways that everything’s been awful forever and we just didn’t know about it.

I never said that. I only said that there is a common belief that crime is so much worse than it really is, and that fear can drive a lot of people to arm themselves against a threat that does not exist.

Resistance to gun control isn’t a racial issue. Gun people like guns and will resist anything that they consider taking away their freedom.