She’s quoting herself. Apparently she finds herself terribly witty, even if nobody else does.
She’s quoting herself. Apparently she finds herself terribly witty, even if nobody else does.
Governor Cuomo has publicly called for funding a public panel which will study and recommend a new state policy legalization, which many of us think means he’s already made up his mind and is looking for cover from those same pearl-clutchers upstate.
I’m not saying it’s his best work
Every administration has people working under interim clearances for extended time periods from inauguration until they leave office due to staff changes and new programs being added to the classified world.
This is totally normal. Seriously. An interim is granted once the investigation has progressed to the point that the remaining work is mostly just processing.
As much as I hate to defend these worms, the full background investigation process for SCI clearances can take 12-18 months to complete
can understand a security contractor having to line up with the plebs for clearances...but senior advisors to the POTUS?? I would have assumed they would go to the head of the queue.
He’s obsessed with “genes”. He doesn’t actually understand how genetics works, but “good genes” are very important to him.
I don’t know if I agree with all of this (in regards to everything being carefully choreographed, there is often a lot of spontaneity to filmmaking)
Watched to footage. I can’t tell if the accident was the fault of the car or just a mistake on her part. Kinda looks like she over-steered.
Yeah, and after reading about the stuff he’s accused of having done, it doesn’t seem like much, seeing as how she’s still stuck with the ring on her finger.
Like the old saying goes, marry for money, still have to work for every dime. I’m surprised she was okay with just $5 million.
Yes, but the producers are not obligated to explore all facets of that story or even to tell an objective tale.
Watch your ass, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Robbie has to be front runner for next White House Press Secretary now.
Honestly though, if they aren’t talented enough to reckon with the idea that Harding could be a sympthetic figure in certain respects AND entertain the possibility that she was involved in the attacks, or was at least awar of them, then they don’t deserve the accolades anyway. Good films portray complex people with…
None, since they committed crimes. Unlike Harding.
People have been saying the MCU has been dying since Avengers 2 and yet the movies still make money and they have yet to make a real critical stinker.
Rules change with the times quite often. Things evolve. Why is that so hard for people to understand?