Trump sucks, that is no lie, but you need his base .
Thursday Night Football was invented to cram even more NFL down the throats of people who were uncomfortably overstuffed with the whole goddamn enterprise and had no idea how to say ‘no’.
There’s a lot of money to be made in the Fox News commentariat / conservative blog-o-sphere. You just need to attract some attention to get started.
Also, the whole skinner thing kind of hurts from the fact that he’s armin tamzarian.
Sadly, not at all. Nobody’s gay for Moleman.
And now I remember Terry Sweeney , did a Nancy Reagan imitation
The other is a confirmation of Trump and his staffer’s story this entire time... that there was no systemic cooperation with Russia. All this shows is a few rogue campaign staffers went out and did shit behind the back of the campaign.
Does that mean Kushner is next?
On Sunday Politico published a lengthy profile of John Boehner, the recently retried former Speaker of the House.
that incredibly obnoxious answer to HISBUM
An Army 15-6 command investigation will be made
If only A Million Ways To Die In The West had starred someone else.
I... honestly still don’t know what you’re trying to argue.
Proving intent is difficult
I... honestly don’t know what you’re trying to argue.
Oh, and because he denied it, it isn’t true, right?
Do I tell my son not to rape? Or should he just know it?