But he didn’t die.
But he didn’t die.
When men start being blamed for their car being stolen with “you shouldn’t have bought a red car”, then that comparison might make sense.
I guess I’m just befuddled. Can men be harassed?
He shot him below the belt and bounced. That isn’t murder but it’s worse than assault.
It isn’t really attempted murder.
I worry less about the “sexualization” part and more about the underlying patriarchal bullshit that reinforces.
Bullshit. If you orgasm at the end, it is at least partially about sex.
Every movie he’s made in the 21st Century goes against that “perfectionist” reputation.
I don’t understand why AV Club has designated reviewing this show to a guy who clearly doesn’t like it.
Not really. One basically wanted to raped her, based on her story, and the other may have been a dick to work with.
Disney sold Miramax a while back - it’s now owned by Al Jazeera.
Wow. I didn’t realize that. I thought that whoever picked up the rights to the films would also assume the related liabilities.
We know that she associates Gilliam’s behavior with Weinstein’s. That tells us all we need to know.
1) Columbus will immediately get an expansion team, with the fee waived
Video blocked - here’s another.
It would actually be beneficial to have more than one look at her life and tell the story. Things one project might have overlooked or misunderstood can be expressed via a different creator.
Trump is not keeping Congress from getting shit done. Congress is.
I don’t see a lot of specifics as to why Pence would be worse. Or put another way: What’s he going to do (that a President CAN do) that isn’t already being done?
There’s millions of great ideas floating out there, but a very small amount of those people with the ideas can actually execute it.