The Schrader one is a reach, he’s just saying he already hated the guy.
The Schrader one is a reach, he’s just saying he already hated the guy.
Same with Roman Polanski.
At best you have to sit through a lot of really boring drunk people
there is just something about being able to drink a great cocktail while you watch a movie
... Not sure why that would apply ostensibly to a sports website, though.
She was not asked to “sign away her right to be offended,” but rather to acknowledge there would be open talk about potentially offensive material that they cover within their office and that there was reason to suspect she COULD be offended.
There was a marked difference between the content we dealt with and how we were to behave in office.
I don’t remember the civil rights act protecting my right to be offended. But do correct me if I’m wrong.
The author of the article doesn’t seem to have a good grasp on...
So rehab replaces prison/jail for rich people?
To me it almost a little feels like that other story that came across my feed about Lou Holtz saying he has also been unfairly stopped by police, so he doesn’t get why black guys are pissed.
Harvey Weinstein is not going to be locked in a cell any time soon, and maybe not ever. Do you propose he do something other than seek counseling in the meantime?
Sir Pratchett
I think it deserves to be in the top 10 if you delete the second ending
Yeah, longer games do suck. But I’ve seen so many wandering strike zones I’m always pleased when somebody calls a good one.
I thought both teams’ pitchers were having a hard time finding the plate on some really good, albeit marginal pitches
But they have voted for it. You’re just finding new ways to discount those votes. Turnout was too low, or the question wasn’t worded the way you wanted it to be.
A majority of the Puerto Rican electorate has never approved a referendum in favor of statehood.
I can’t blame the political establishment for not acting on that.
I’d be willing to bet a small fortune that he, in fact, does not know that much at all.