
Sadly the GOP think they’re the country.

Why stop him though?

I’m young but I don’t think there’s ever been such open contempt for an own colour President before.

It’s adorable that he thinks Democrats are going to give cover for such shitty policy, when the GOP have never tried to include Democratic ideas, and spend all of their time gloating about the election. Y’all have the government; try governing.

Fuck yeah.

FFS, where did this artist study anatomy?

At the time they didn’t seem campy compared to Batman ‘66 and the awful latter two sequels, but they’re definitely pretty high on the wackiness scale compared to the Nolan films.

I saw all three of the films, but what a chore they were. I have no desire to see any of them again, with the exception of every single moment Heath Ledger was on screen.

“failed to share information about his past” - who the fuck would?

...and here come the “free speech” apologists. you know, the ones who believe free speech means you can say anything, anytime about anyone and not have people get mad.

why exactly is an organization reacting to old, trollish tweets that don’t concern them

While it’s not a 100% fix, the easiest way to deal with a trollish/shitposting past is to publicly own up to it -before- you might gain any fame and apologize. It also helps if you’ve really changed your behavior in a way that folks can see.

What I find a little dumb is that they wait until AFTER they sign people to check on them, why not vet the person before??

Old people still bitch about the name but what’s different?

The reality is that most businesses who applied their rights maliciously would be shut down by public outrage.

There’s only one marriage and it’s Man & Woman as instituted by God.

I know it is nearly impossible to reason with a liberal and not being politically correct makes it twice as hard.

Why shouldn’t people have the right to run their business according to their beliefs?

A solution floated decades ago to this issue was civil unions, which were marriages without the “M” word. The LBTQ lobby wasn’t having it. They wanted to force Christians to furnish them with Christian marriages.

Plus, I am not politically correct, so that unto itself will make many people so angry.