
Funny how someone had to ask Schilling to please not be a bigot.

The ones they air, perhaps. But we have no reason to believe that this experience is so unusual. We don’t know how many other people they have catfished who also refused to sign the release.

“This is clearly outside of the WWYD show’s normal operations”

I smell a new reality series taped in the White House!

You’d think you’d want to support fellow immigrants instead of burning the bridge behind you. It’s a lot of “I got mine!”

Yeah, but how often does that happen? 9 times in 250 years. And the last was 40 years ago.

Well, except when he’s racist or misogynistic. Which does happen.

And I’m okay with that.

Agreed. I don’t want Warren to trade actual power for the ceremonial kind.

Depends on whether he uses this current spotlight to help build the party.

All the more important for Texas Democrats to keep their eyes on 2020.

He also doesn’t do anything for Latino, black, or millennial outreach efforts

Veep is not “a more prestigious role” than Senator. Senators can actually get things done, especially if she’s interested in being Majority Leader and setting the agenda.

In fairness, he didn’t actually say that. He kinda tried to say that, but couched it with enough weasel words that he didn’t.


Agreed. If they want to use their celebrity for advocacy, more power to ‘em.

Yes. It matters a hell of a lot.

I’m not writing a logic paper.

Trump is better at the lies and false piety because he’s gotten himself to the point where his followers don’t care if it’s actually true. They don’t mind being lied to so long as he’s the one doing the lying.

a skeevy scheming snake that’ll do what it takes and hide behind false piety and a couple of well repeated verses.